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@wierdmind that's okay... We can express here... Freedom of expression is allowed in Mastodon unlike the birdsite. 😉 even i expressed my thought! 😊

Little FYI;

I am NOT earning ANYTHING from 😉 In fact it's the opposite, Every week I work about 40-50 hours for a company so I can earn money and pay for the servers, domain, media storage and email services and don't get me wrong. I'm VERY happy to do that ❤️ and I will NOT stop doing that for a long time!

We do get donations and that's a BIG help! But still I need to pay much from my own pocket so keep that in mind. We are not a company, we are not Twitter, we drive on #love! ❤️

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@Rizwanalidun313 @Deepsealioness @Memeghnad @IndiasMuslims

This is a good move, though we must not just stop at changing apps but, get back our sovereignty:

The War on Savings

Proverbial wisdom has always taught the virtues of saving. But there have always been squanderers, and theorists to rationalize their squandering.

@Deepsealioness These demands for "equality" are what got you here in the first place... ask for liberty and see the magic

The Scam Called Intellectual Property

Did inventors or artists starve before IP laws ? The answer is clearly no.

Pope Francis Owes It to the Poor Be More Informed about Markets

For the sake of the poor, it’s time for Pope Francis to get a better understanding of basic economics.

The Scam Called Intellectual Property

Did inventors or artists starve before IP laws ? The answer is clearly no.

Fired Journalist @Abiriba shows how Corporates and Govt colluded to raise electricity prices

Big Business Colluding With Big Government - What a Surprise Sirji !

"The great German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer pointed out that there are two mutually exclusive ways of acquiring wealth (..) the other way is simpler in that it does not require productivity; it is the way of seizure of another's goods or services by the use of force and violence (..) The State, in the words of Oppenheimer, is the "organization of the political means"; it is the systematization of the predatory process over a given territory. "

(Fake) Economists Still Think That Saving Is Bad for the Economy

In a time like today, the best thing people can do is save more. We live in a time of multiple economic bubbles and non-productive sectors fueled by inflationary monetary policy.

@Deepsealioness also, what are you saving your money in ? Remember, not all savings are equal.

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