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We said this long ago, and we welcome our fellow dissidents on Mastodon !

Don’t get mad, get OUT !

@Perptualstudent of course... we've been at it for long enough to know ;) if you need more eco info go through out Resources section

Now that Indians have discovered , it’s time to discover

As long as you can find an Internet connection, you can receive bitcoin, without asking permission and without having to prove your identity.

Now that Indian have discovered , it’s time to discover bitcoin

As long as you can find an Internet connection, you can receive bitcoin, without asking permission and without having to prove your identity.

@Deepsealioness We do news on peace freedom and sound economics ... honour to be boosted :D

@Deepsealioness We do news on peace freedom and sound economics ... honour to be boosted :D

@Memeghnad @GeetV As a commemoration of Indian Mastodon, let's make the hashtag the TOP HASHTAG ON MASTODON TOMMOROW !!! :D

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml