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How Bitcoin (among other things) Confirms the ‘The Sovereign Individual’ Thesis

The emergence of cryptography drastically alters the logic of violence, shifting the balance of power from the state to the individual.


How Bitcoin (among other things) Confirms the ‘The Sovereign Individual’ Thesis

The emergence of cryptography drastically alters the logic of violence, shifting the balance of power from the state to the individual.


Julian Assange’s Mother’s Open Letter to the World

Many people were traumatized to see a vengeful superpower using its unlimited resources to intimidate and destroy a defenseless individual.


Fear the “Stimulus”, Not the Recession (in 20 Tweets)

The Government's “remedy” kills the patient, although the patient’s own regenerative powers are good enough.


Belgium: Open Civil Disobedience by Movie Theaters

There are increasing signals that Europe is sliding into the era of popular uprisings.


2021 : The Top 10 “Climate Change” and Energy Fails

2021 may go down in history as the year that foretold the end of the climate idiocy movement — although the movement is unlikely to take the hint.


Warfighting and Bitcoin

The trick for good defense is forcing the enemy to attack you in a manner where you can maximize your relative advantage.


“Open Source” Guns Are Winning Against Tyranny

Some news from Myanmar showing 3D printed guns are working as intended. Coming soon to Kashmir ?


Why is the State Letting Bitcoin Succeed ?

As bitcoin gains traction in becoming the world reserve currency, why are globalists ignoring it? Whatever the reason, Bitcoiners must stay vigilant.


What Is Linux and Why Is It Important?

Unlike proprietary software, this is software that you actually get to take ownership over, giving you genuine control over your computer.

Memories From My First Hyperinflation

The sooner you smell the inflation, the better you can take protect yourself and even benefit.

Externalities : A Dangerous and Vague Economic Idea

The fight against "externalities" can only lead to complete state control over the economy.


Modi Rightly Slams ‘Climate Colonialism’

“Attempts are made to shut the path and resources for developing nations through which developed nations reached where they are today.”


5 Experiments That Explain the ‘Covid Trance’

Can you see how these experiments at least partially explain the 'COVID trance' ?

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