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#feditip: add .rss to the end of most pages you see on a Mastodon server to get an RSS feed for your RSS reader.

Level 2: go about your day without internet, then in the evening settle down at your Computer Desk with a nice cup of tea to RSS-digest the day's shitposts.

Level 3: Aggregates your RSS feeds into epub format. Load the output onto your 2000's e-ink e-reader via USB cable. Sit in an overstuffed armchair with a nearby lamp, say aloud "Ah, yes, today's internet" and sip your port.

@fssofdeath Hello there! What's floss? Apart from the thing my dentist always tells me to use. 😅

If you're having trouble remembering to add alt-text / image descriptions to your posts, follow @PleaseCaption . They will DM you to yell at you about captions if you post an image without them so that you can quickly delete and re-draft, and believe me when I say it's a sure way to get you into the habit XD

I thought that buying the was going to be a terrible thing but I am of a different mind now. It has made the so alive with new eager people, it’s beautiful.

As always, corporate interest are their own worst enemies. This brings me joy! 🥲

this site is so weird. how do I know how many internet points I won? how do I know what to be outraged about? I feel like I could just put it down at any moment and go to bed at a reasonable hour, and then check it again tomorrow if I felt like it, in a healthy way. what the fuck

You may be aware that there is something called the #Fediverse.

But do you know about all the different types of applications that run on the Fediverse?

I made this visual to give myself and others something to point at when explaining "the big picture".

You may be surprised by how many services beyond Mastodon there are to explore.

Download it for free here and use as you please:

That post also has links to all the different applications.


Have you ever noticed that the number of devices you are using daily is continuously growing, but it is ever harder to run #FreeSoftware on them? In 2022 we kicked off #DeviceNeutrality and succeeded in the Digital Markets Act

More info:…

#DigitalEU #DMA

Si jamais ça peut vous intéresser : j'ai fait un mini-tutoriel "comment rejoindre Mastodon" (avec l'approche de quelqu'un qui a créé un compte il y a moins de 24h 😅) :
(je l'ai fait sur Twitter, parce que ça n'aurai pas eu de sens de le faire sur Mastodon alors que les gens sont déjà là, je suppose :blobcatmaths:)

When it comes to content warnings, they're more of a liberation than a censorship. They allow you to say things into a crowd that would be difficult to say normally without a pre-warning

Mastodon gained 70,000 users after Musk’s Twitter takeover. I joined them

A few viewers have expressed concerns about how much of #Linux is built and coded by big tech companies. Let's see how true this is, and of that's really an issue!


Federal regulations require me to warn you that Waydroid on Librem 5... is looking pretty good!

The #LinkedIn study is, without doubt, ethically inconsiderate. But we should still be concerned with its finding: within "people should use LinkedIn more" is the fact that #capitalism has reduced most #relations to "weak ties" of just faces & values (usefulness for jobhunting). How can we build a large, diverse (perspective-wise) #community, if all we have is just faces that we don't even try to understand? Because such a community isn't profitable for us?

Move the UN to Iceland, says presidential candidate

would be a very interesting move for the benefit of humanity, and to subtract it from blackmailing ...

iceland is a neutral quiet place compared to new york ...

Start of my last week at this current posting and last week in the
I am very excited but also a bit sad. New beginnings are beautiful but they mean the end of something else.

What a wild 12 years this has been.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml