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Mirko Adam boosted

We just joined Mastodon, please follow us. Still more posts to come soon.

Mirko Adam boosted
Mirko Adam boosted

Seit anderthalb Jahren ist Annalena Baerbock Außenministerin. Sie versucht, Prinzipien und Pragmatismus zu verbinden. Das gelingt nicht immer.

Mirko Adam boosted

I'm up early to read a PhD thesis before the family awakes. It's such a privilege to be able to assess these. I always learn something, and the passion and pride our colleagues pour into their work is always impressive.
If you're a PhD student who is struggling, just a little message to #KeepGoing. One day someone like me will really enjoy reading your thesis.💪

#PhD #PhDSupport

Mirko Adam boosted

Poll: Are you a macOS, MS-Windows or Linux or *BSD user? Please boost for reach. TIA.

Mirko Adam boosted

"The unrestrained burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests are pushing temperatures higher and leading to massive droughts."
– Pope Francis

Mirko Adam boosted
Mirko Adam boosted
Mirko Adam boosted

"Wir stehen hinter der Polizei. Wir stehen hinter den zahlreichen Einsatzkräften..."

So beginnt ein offener Brief, den Politiker, Polizisten, Lehrer, Professoren, prominente Moderatoren, Anwälte, Angehörige der Opfer des Attentats von Hanau, aber auch zahlreiche Kollegen von der #HSPV heute veröffentlichten und in dem sie #BaharAslan ihre Solidarität aussprechen.

Die Liste ist recht eindrucksvoll. Der Brief auch.

#rechtsextremusmus #sicherheitsbehoerden

Mirko Adam boosted

12,000,416 accounts
+530 in the last hour
+14,274 in the last day
+85,483 in the last week

Mirko Adam boosted

Instagram Import and Account Migration isn't that far away either!

- Import your IG account
- Migrate your account between Pixelfed instances
- Migrate your Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey accounts to Pixelfed

Special thanks to @NGIZero for funding Account Migrations in @pixelfed

Mirko Adam boosted

* Make software that works on older devices, the older the better.
* Make software that will keep on working for a very long time.
* Make software that uses the least amount of total energy to achieve its results.
* Make software that also uses the least amount of network data transfer, memory and storage.
* Make software that encourages the user to use it in a frugal way.


Mirko Adam boosted

🛑 Are you an illustrator, graphic designer, photographer or in any other creative field? 🛑
Do you require software to produce your work?

✨ Then I need YOU for my survey! ✨

Know somebody who fits this description? Then please share it with them! :boost_requested:

For my post graduate degree I am researching software used within the creative industry.
I aim to gain a deeper insight into how individual users find, choose and use the software for their respective fields.

⏲️ The survey will take roughly 10 - 25 minutes to complete.


Thank you so much for your time! :blobcatheart:

#survey #FollowerPower #DesignWithOpenSource #ArtWithOpenSource #floss #FreeOpenSourceSoftware #ProprietarySoftware #adobe #photoshop #InDesign #AfterEffects #krita #inkscape #scribus #kdenlive #natron #darktable #penpot #gimp #AffinityPhoto #AffinityDesigner #VegasPro #procreate #figma

Mirko Adam boosted

Because recently some folks at Codeberg mistake their "Freedom of Speech" for the opportunity to insult other users on our platform:

Codeberg is a place to create content, not to disturb each other. We do not want to see discrimination of any kind.

Please report these cases to via email, or (new!) mention "@moderation" in the Codeberg Issue to quickly notify us of a conversation we should look for.

Mirko Adam boosted

@sarahbosetti Deswegen habe ich diese Nachricht auf allen Domains gepackt, die ich grad nicht benutze ;) Darf gerne kopiert werden, CC-0 Lizensiert von meiner Seite.

Mirko Adam boosted

Wirtschaftsminister #Habeck zeigt sich offen für strengere Transparenzregeln: "Lassen Sie uns über Regelverschärfungen reden". (Quelle:

In Deutschland gibt es derzeit keinerlei Veröffentlichungspflichten für hohe Regierungsmitglieder. Daran hatte bislang keine Regierungspartei ein Interesse.

Die Ampel konnte sich kürzlich gerade einmal dazu durchringen, die Verhaltensregeln (!) für Regierungsmitglieder öffentlich zu machen - von denen das Meiste ohnehin bekannt ist:

Mirko Adam boosted

🤔 Haben wir ein Urteil verpasst?

Das hier versucht die Staatsanwaltschaft München, bei Besuch unserer Website anzeigen zu lassen.

Eher wird mit der „Zentralstelle für Bekämpfung von Extremismus und Terrorismus“ gegen friedlichen Protest gearbeitet, als gegen den Klimakollaps.

Mirko Adam boosted

Italia, siamo con te.

We are coordinating emergency assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to help the country deal with the consequences of devastating floods.

Thanks to the help of 🇦🇹🇧🇬🇩🇪🇫🇷🇵🇱🇷🇴🇸🇮🇸🇰🇧🇪, high-capacity pumping teams and equipment have been sent to #Italy.

The Copernicus service has also provided #emergency satellite mapping of the affected areas 🛰️🗺️, following a request from the Italian civil protection authority.


Mirko Adam boosted

How do you typically type on your iOS/Android phone keyboard?

Please boost after voting. Think of it like an "I Voted" sticker signaling to others that you participated in a democratic process. #poll

Mirko Adam boosted

My data visualization project that lets you explore your connections across the fediverse now supports:

- Mastodon
- Friendica
- Pleroma/Akkoma 🆕
- Misskey/Calckey 🆕

Try it here:

#dataviz #fediverse #mastodon #friendica #misskey #calckey #explore #data

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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