Parallel universes are real! You shall be sent to live in one... forever.
You will get a choice between 5 universes that each have a similar collection of languages though technology & culture may be very, possibly hazardously, different.
To make your choice you may request one (1) kind of typical artifact. This will be fetched from each universe, you may compare to make your choice.
Electronics will be disabled. If the artifact doesn't exist... you get nothing.
What do you request?
Yesterday, it seemed that the whole Fediverse (or at least a large part of it) was celebrating that @gutenberg_org joined the Fediverse.
It is nice to see that trending topics in the Fediverse are not some algorithm-boosted nonsense (on twitter often the latest catastrophe) but things that the citizens of the fediverse finds interesting. We celebrate together, we mourn together, we are engaging in great discussions. Thank you, #CitizensOfTheFediverse for that.
It's so super cute!
PSA, if someone asks you for contact info (e.g. a phone number) of someone you know, the correct response is "I can't give that to you, but I can give them yours".
It's efficient and adds no round-trips, it's privacy friendly, it's non-awkward and it's social engineering resistant. It's a universally good rule.
And the corollary, of course: Don't ask someone for another person's contact info - ask them to pass on yours.
@gutenberg_org It seems like the fact that "Project Gutenberg" joined the #Fediverse today is a trending topic today. It seems like this is the biggest news today. #trends
What's cool however is the fact that we can watch videos or read content from another platform on the platform we use. Just imagine getting your YouTube abonmements, the instagram images of your friends and the Facebook posts of your mum to your Twitter timeline! That would be so cool! In the fediverse, this is possible!
@EU_Commission Waging a war is always destructive, after which we need to reconstruct. Wars are waged by most, if not all cultures. Therefore, calling the western culture "bipolar" on the basis of a war (that was not even started by "The west") is not a very good rethoric picture.
@EU_Commission When the war in Ukraine is over, we will invest Billions, if not Trillions in rebuilding Ukraine. The amount we will invest in Russia lies in the hand of the Russian people and their government. If Putin wanted Peace, we would already have it.
Die Lösungen sind einfach:
1. #RightToRepair
2. Effiziente Software, die es ermöglicht, auch auf Uraltsystemen neuere Apps benutzen zu können. Meistens ist #FreieSoftware effizienter als proprietäre Software.
3. Recycling, wenn die Geräte endgültig schrottreif sind.
Our "Libraries of Alexandria" are known as @internetarchive @gutenberg_org @wikipedia. Thank you for preserving the knowledge of humankind for everyone. May you resist the "fear of knowledge" and be lighthouses in a world where certain powers are trying to cast darkness on the vast oceans of knowledge we collected since the dawn of humanity.
@dominik Hab ich mitbekommen. Schade, dass es an der Uni keine Pfingstferien gibt. Na ja, wenigstens ist es bis zum Semesterende nicht mehr all zu weit.
Ich wünsche euch zwei eine schöne Zeit!
@eskensaskia Unterlassen Sie zumindest beim Totengedenken ihren Whataboutism! Das ist der Toten unwürdig!
I love #Libreoffice for a number of reasons:
Because it is completely #FreeSoftware.
Because I don't have to pay for its full version.
Because it is no Cloud stuff.
Because it is fully GDPR-compliant, while MSh*it isn't.
Because it is simpler to use LibreOffice than doing everything in #LaTex.
The #LibreOffice suite is one of my most important tools since my school days. You helped me to reach university.
Liebe Linksfraktion, könntet ihr bitte eure Threads als solche aufbauen, sodass ich den Text einfach lesen kann. Dankeschön!
Welcome to the #Fediverse. Yet another important institution that found its way to us!
Computer Science Student at
I have #ADD.