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@georgetakei Beware: Not all war crimes are crimes against humanity (cahs) and not all caha are warcrimes. War crimes are mostly acts that are deemed unlawful by the Hague conventions and the Geneva convention as well as other humanitarian law.

A Crime against humanity does not require a war. However, it does require a "widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population".

While all acts that were described are certainly war crimes, only some of them are also cahs.

Comparing to the Laptop: What are the main differences?

@bfdi Kennt da jemand das Kelbersche Gesetz nicht? @ulrichkelber
PS: Ich will mich nach individueller Abwägung für einen höheren Schutz entscheiden dürfen.

Ich tippe auf C. Begründung: Ihr beschäftigt euch weder mit Geologie noch mit Astronomie. Also ist C am wahrscheinlichsten.

@linksfraktion Hättet ihr einen Vorschlag?
@DerKlimablog Warum sollten wir es nicht fördern?

@Mandlbaur Angular momentum is not conserved? I never heard that. Please give sources!

@RKI Gibt es Untersuchungen, woran die bessere Gesundheitslage bei Mädchen kommen könnte und wie man die Gesunheitslage bei Jungen verbessern könnte?
IMHO, the crime of aggression, which is the preparation and / or fighting of an attack war is one of the greatest crimes that exist. Crimes that are similarily severe are crimes against humanity and genocide. The differences can be found in the German VStGB.
@georgetakei Many of these wars were attack wars (like the Vietnam war), which are illegal and bad. However, WWII was a defense war (Hitler declared war on the US, not the US on Hitler, The Japanese attacked the US at Pearl Harbour, the US did not attack Japan). It is a big difference if you fight an aggressive attack war or if you defend yourself against an attacker.

@BUNDBerlin Wenn ich alleine zu Fuß (oder mit dem Rad) unterwegs bin, ist das doch auch "Individualverkehr", oder?

Mirko Adam boosted

Was viele bei der Klimakrise falsch verstehen und was uns die Lage in Frankreich gerade so brutal vor Augen führt: Wenn der Staat uns heute nicht vorschreibt, wie wir heizen dürfen, wird er uns morgen vorschreiben müssen, wann wir den Wasserhahn aufdrehen dürfen und wann nicht.


@fsf They / We are always happy if they get new art!

An associate member of the FSF PS: I do not speak in the name of the FSF

Mirko Adam boosted

We love freedom 0, the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Boost this post to share the message with others! And if you are able, please consider joining the FSF as an associate member.
@georgetakei So, you argue that the whole world should just have capitulated when invaded by Nazi Germany? We would live in a pretty bad world right now. Millions more would have been killed in concentration camps, there would be no freedom. No, capitulation is not always a good idea, even if it costs lives.

@EU_Commission The loss of biodiversity and climate change are the main challenges of the 21st century. We need to tackle both. If we fight climate change but forget the biodiversity, we may simply die out. That's not what I want.

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