@zdfmagazin I can still recommend the show, though. It shows the influence of German weapons manfuacturers in the US. Just some stats: In half of the school and university shootings of the last 20 years in the USA, a German / Austrian weapon was used or at least planned to use.
Nicht euer ernst! Ist das Satire?
@dominik Ich glaube die meisten ECs sind schöner als die Kisten der DB-ÖBB-Kooperation.
@FrailLeaf Another man who you should look into is Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal, founder of Palantir and Clarium Capital and one of the first investors of Facebook as well as many other companies.
@FrailLeaf @EU_Commission The identity of their investors is difficult to find out, as they use complicated nets of companies and NGOs and whatever to stay in the shadow. However, thanks to some journalists, we have at least some knowledge. Part of the money comes from the profits of Big Oil, the weapons industry or the chemical industry. One notable example would be the Koch Family who own the second largest privately owned company in the US with a revenue of 120 B $ in 2021.
@FrailLeaf @EU_Commission Just No! However, I do know who is subverting governing bodies and controlling accepted discourse: Right wing organizations invest millions each year in exactly that. See e.g. here: https://www.prwatch.org/news/2020/01/13531/right-wing-megadonors-are-financing-media-operations-promote-their-ideologies
@bmdv 100 Millionen sind ein guter Anfang, aber da geht noch mehr! Nicht nur mehr Geld, auch eine bessere Gesetzeslage für die #grüneTriade (Öffis, Fahrradfahrer, Fußgänger) wäre wünschenswert. Es wäre auch wünschenswert, wenn diese Gesetze dazu führen, dass die Umsetzung vergrünung des Verkehrs unbürokratisch und flexibel von Statten gehen kann.
Geniale/r <Insert hyped technology here> App/Trick/Kurs macht dich reich. Hier klicken!
@DIMR_Berlin Wie genau sollten denn die Kinderrechte (zumindest nimm ich an dass es in diesem Fall um Art. 23 und 28 UNCRC geht) eigentlich eurer Ansicht nach integriert werden, um das Recht auf Inklusion von behinderten Kindern und all die anderen Kinderrechte gut durchsetzen zu können.
@bsi es braucht zwingend quelloffene Standards und freie Implementierungen davon. Am besten durch die öffentliche Hand, unterstützt von der Community #publicmoneypublicode
@linksfraktion Mehr Geld für #HEAL (Health, Education, Administration, Literacy).
In Medellín sieht man, wie ein gut implementiertes Hubkonzept (die Stationen dienen ja nicht nur der Seilbahn) Leben verändert und ein neues, besseres "Ökosystem" schafft.
@adfc_ffm *Singe* "Wann erfinden deutsche Tüftler eine Antwort darauf: Warum hört der Fahrradweg einfach hier auf?" #ZDF-Magazin
Für alle die nicht wissen, worauf ich anspiele: https://youtu.be/nqF9chK05YM
Viele Städte von Deutschlands Nachbarländern sind deutlich menschenfreundlicher. Ich empfehle auch einen Besuch in Innsbruck. Zwar gibt es dort noch Verbesserungsbedarf an einigen Stellen (insbesondere für Fahrradfahrer), aber sich durch eine Innenstadt mit wenig Autos zu bewegen ist echt großartig. Grüße eines Fußgängers und Öffifahrers aus dem schönen Innsbruck! #GrüneTriade #Tirol2050
On your statement on nazism: Authoritarianism + a sense of superiority doesn't make someone a Nazi. Look at the UDSSR (a Communist / Socialist society, definitely not Nazis): They were the prime example of an authoritarian state and had a high sense of superiority.
I really want to have a conversation with you. That's why I wanted to know why you hate Mozilla (there are a lot of reasons to do so). However, I don't think that conversations work very well when we insult each other.
On your "minorities" statement: I was not referring to LGBTQ, but to unpopular opinions in general. I already gave you the case Kellermayer. This woman was bombarded with hate and threats of violence as she argued for stricter CoVid measures. Of course, she feared for her safety. In the end, she killed herself. With better protection from that hate, she may still be with us. There are other examples for that, too.
"The text below is a very recent leaked document, which was shared by an anonymous individual on a public Discord server who has granted permission for its republication. It originates from a researcher within Google. We have verified its authenticity. The only modifications are formatting and removing links to internal web pages. The document is only the opinion of a Google employee, not the entire firm..."
@mozilla Well, I wouldn't say that they are Nazis. That's not what Nazis typically do. That article actually argues for the things incorporated in the #DSA / #DMA of @EU_Commission
I personally think that moderation and transparency on these matters actually preserve the freedom of speech rather than restricting it, as people can speak without risking getting harrassed. See case Kellermayer.
Computer Science Student at @uniinsbruck@wisscom.social
I have #ADD.