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@demimom Hey June, I had the idea to build up some kind of Finch-community in the Fediverse. I suggested the hashtag , so we can easier find the toots.

@frauasha Eigentlich betrifft dieses sparen den gesamten HEAL-Bereich (Health, Education, Administration, Literacy).

@heiseonline Ich sitze da, esse Popcorn und sehe dem Vogel beim Brennen zu.

@Br3nda Have you heard about minimal basic income?
That would be one way to achieve that. Would be quite costly, though. @kuketzblog @RDSB Haben dazu leider nicht genug Kapazitäten.

@leonskibbe @a_watch @voltdeutschland Hört sich nach ersten Infos gut an.
Danke für die Transparenz.

@leonskibbe @a_watch @voltdeutschland
Danke für die Antwort. Ich hab noch ein paar Fragen:
Woher haben die das Geld und welche Politikneulinge sind das Konservative, Liberale, Sozialdemokraten, Linke, Grüne, irgendwie alle?

@caseynewton A big shoutout to @EU_Commission and @europarl to make the and reality and therefore enabled this.

Mirko Adam boosted

@autisticompulsive Also added!

PS: Maybe we can build up a Finch community in the . I would recommend the hashtag . I will be monitoring it.

From now on, please tag stuff about said app with . Maybe we can build up a finch-community just like the ones on the sites of the Mammon (Discord, Facebook and Instagram).

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@heiseonline Ich freue mich schon auf die ÖRR-Instanz im Fediverse.

@heiseonline @RDSB der Mastodon-Account des Datenschutzbeauftragten, für alle, die ihm folgen wollen. @davidrevoy This is one of the best in these comics: That pepper grows with me (I am currently 21, which should be quite similar to pepper).

Mirko Adam boosted

RT @TerryReintke
It is the biggest honour of my life to be a Member of the European Parliament.

The last days have shaken this institution.

Now it is on us to react.

To clearly condemn. To shed light. And to introduce preventive measures.

We have protect this house of European democracy.

@Simone21 @auschwitzmuseum All the songs that haven't been played, all the jokes that have never been made, all the love that couldn't be expressed, all the science and progress that couldn't be made, all the knowledge that was lost forever.

@heiseonline Kostet? Und: gibts schon einen Computer, in den ich das einbauen kann?

Mirko Adam boosted
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