We're now linking to legislators' Mastodon accounts from their pages on GovTrack.

@GovTrack @shawrd773 That’s a start but we really need them on their own instance in .gov

@GovTrack @shawrd773 Inknownyou have no control over it, but we should all be pushing for it. Are you confirming with the representatives’ and senators’ offices that these are legitimate? If so, it would be worth mentioning to them in the process that a .gov instance would be a great idea.

@bhawthorne We (actually our colleague @danielschuman) is verifying each account, yes. Often it can be verified without talking to them if they've posted about it somewhere. The idea of a .gov instance is something we're very aware of but there are large technical, financial, and legal issues that aren't going to be moved forward at all by merely mentioning it to them --- it's a bigger topic than that.

@bhawthorne @danielschuman @GovTrack
Trying to think of how I feel about a potential .gov instance. Huh.
Thank you so much for this very valuable resource!


@KatMA @bhawthorne @danielschuman @GovTrack Actually, Germany has a government-instance (social.bund.de). Many institutions, big and small, are already there, many are not.

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