When people talk about #CDBC and you read "Users will not control their private keys in the digital euro prototype."

The goal of centralizing key management is to improve end-user UsABiLitY.

safu. 😅



@kaimeinke I made a mistake, I meant . I am sorry. These guys from the GNU project just make too many things.

But that is a system for microtransactions that offers complete privacy for the person paying, but stores the information of the person receiving the money, so tax fraud is difficult with that system. The system could become the basis for a digital currency.

is just an accounting software that can do a lot of fancy stuff.

Fun fact (if it’s true): #GNUcash is not #GNU. Or so I’ve been told. If it’s true, then -yikes- regarding their choice of software names.

BTW, thanks for pointing out #GNUtaler. First I’m hearing about it. I wonder if it could be an ethical alternative to #OpenCollective, #Liberapay, & #Patreon for non-profits & #FOSS projects.


For me anyway what would keep it from being an alternative is that where I live there are few, if any, ways to buy crypto without handing over my govt id.
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