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I fixed the key mapping. Aperntly they expect me to spell correctly.

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@piepants @GossiTheDog it's a profile. The values are following a lut provided by Intel.

Treestyle tabs for Falkon would also be nice...

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Things are going better than planned. I have a functioning system with only minor inconveniences left to deal with.

So if someone knows how to fix kaymaps on Gentoo, login in qingy, how to boot plasma in a window, or how to get loginctl hibernate working. Feel free to speak up.

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Zoe boosted

@lispi314 their exist a huge difference between recognising the current legal fiction, and supporting them in principle. I don't comment on the second, as I find it utterly uninteresting. Whatever I support the current system or not, it's the one we live in. I do however support any effort to make our environment more habitable.

@the5thColumnist @mousey @arstechnica "you will be fine" is probably a better answer if you're uncomfortable with saying no.

@yagfox death of satire. Is this in support of fascism, or criticising it?

@lispi314 their exist a huge difference between recognising the current legal fiction, and supporting them in principle. I don't comment on the second, as I find it utterly uninteresting. Whatever I support the current system or not, it's the one we live in. I do however support any effort to make our environment more habitable.

@lispi314 I'm sure fonts have been made that way.

Doesn't change the fact that some fonts have investors looking for returns.

@lispi314 I think you're missing the point. If I have a certain amount of capital to invest, and wants to make a reasonable return on that money. I am not going to commission a font and give it away, I want residuals to justify my investment. Remember I am in this to make money, not the love of the craft.

As long as their exist those willing to pay for fonts, and the legal fiction that allows people to charge for them. Their will exist does that see them as an investment vehicles.

@lispi314 you always want customers to pay after ability/willingness to pay.

Fonts does need updating as technology evolves, in the good old days you sold a box of metal types. If we talk about computers, bitmap fonts ( the old standard ) aren't really a thing outside fairly niche applications today.

Releasing something for free only really make sense if the marginal customer has no ability/willingness to pay.

@kaxigt jag förstår. Ledsen att jag inte kan vara till bättre hjälp.

Men jag gav upp twitter för snart två år sen, jag förlorade en del värda kontakter i processen själv. Jag vill inte säga mer än jag vet, och med tänke på det nuvarande skicket* vågar jag inte säga något om hur twitter fungerar.

*mycket av twitters nödvändiga underhåll är sannolikt eftersatt, vilket om sant är ett recept för opålitligt beteende.

@kaxigt sannolikt inte.

I didn't expect the question to be about that X, but rather commentary about how some on social media seems entitled to answer any questions.

Om jag får gissa skulle jag tror att twitter inte har speciell logik för att hantera fallet du beskriver, utan faller tillbaka till det generella beteendet. Jag skulle inte lita på att twitter fungerar speciellt väl alls, eftersom den nuvarande ägaren är upptagen med att bränna så mycket som han kan.

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