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@MisuseCase @GossiTheDog names changes overtime. Unique identifiers shouldn't code any "useful"-information, but that is a way bigger discussion.

@MisuseCase @GossiTheDog I mean yeah. But the point is that the institution that did have the problem solved it, while institution that didn't care could continue to use the old system.

It's like the extra four digits at the end of the zip code, most people don't care. Those that do add them.

@MisuseCase @GossiTheDog I mean in Sweden they slapped two extra digits to the front. And now half the institution wants the old 10-digit ssn ( ignoring the two digits in the front ) and the other half the new 12-digit.

@MisuseCase @GossiTheDog what?, that sounds incredibly stupid. Can't they just expend the format to include more numbers?

@Nickiquote this was a psyop. I didn't speak up at the time, despite being from Sweden. Their exist many reasons a parent may ask not to feed their child, I assumed it was a story that had been overblown.

@gsuberland @azonenberg every signal pair is separated by a ground pin. Half the pci-e slot is ground pins, for signaling. Which reminds me, the 5090 has signaling problems.

@jannem @futurebird that already exist. And the introduction of an independent naming board, tasked with keeping names relevant to the subject. Could solve many of those problems.

For example they could have a rule that names need to be relevant to the features of the spices. Or honors those that studied the species. Or is reflective of national myth.

Their exist a good reason to introduce a naming boars in general, especially to allow public comment.

@gsuberland or we could just increase the voltage. Power stages are the most efficient at about 1:10 step down. We want about .8v at high load by using two step vrm we could bring down 80v to that with decent efficiency. We could also use the voltage to communicate the capability of the psu, where lower end psu won't bring the volts as high. the gpu already have power from the pci-e connector
( on the motherboard ) that could power up the circuits to deal with the variable voltage.

@futurebird allowing renaming of spices could increase interest in the sciences in general. Their exist an anecdote of some professor being asked if he would rather have a Nobel prize, or an element named after him. His answer was clear "every classroom has a periodic table". It would be nice if the name of some researchers could be spoken in reference to what they studied.

@ipg yes?, doesn't Little big planet include some mini game for the move?

@ipg they own the keys, and the firmware. They wouldn't need a hardware backdoor, what am I missing?

@lauren oh, what can I get if I'm a good boy? so, no fat American chess?, guess I'm not buying from them, I hate low fat products.

@hacks4pancakes @GossiTheDog American authorities literally grows the influenza vaccine in chicken eggs. If it wasn't for eggs to grow the vaccine their would be way more dead Americans.

Zoe boosted

@thebravelittleposter @Alice this is my favourite thing about outdoor cats. You no longer have one cat, you share every outdoor cat in the neighbourhood. I count that as an absolute win.

@thebravelittleposter @Alice this is my favourite thing about outdoor cats. You no longer have one cat, you share every outdoor cat in the neighbourhood. I count that as an absolute win.

@ashleygjovik I particularly like the one about replacing all your light fittings, with low energy ones. Yeah, let's spend thousands of dollars on new lights. To save a couple hundred bucks this winter.

thinking about H5N1 mitigations 

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