I mean I live in Sweden, I usually don't travel. And according to your bio you're in Tasmania. So I will reach out when I find my self in Australia, and you can reach out when you find your self in Northern Europe. and we can take it from there.
@SeaFury sure why not, do you have a place in mind?
@SeaFury the only real problem is all the stores is closed. And I usually go to sleep before I can take friends out to eat.
@SeaFury I woke up 5am today, whish is later then usual.
@monsieuricon yeah, that's kinda what I meant. Please forgive me if my terminology was off, this is definitely a topic on the limit of my understanding.
My understanding is basically that git does something to reduce the amount of data you need to pull from the server, by storing data on the client. And a CDN does it somewhere between the true server and the client.
@monsieuricon isn't git it's own kind of CDN?
I'm glad to hear that they are reaching out, not that I was expecting anything else.
@monsieuricon 200k month sounds awfully cheap. It would almost be criminal for large multinational, with hosting expertise, not to exploit that marketing opportunity to maximise shareholder value.
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore most consumers are heavy meat consumers. Attitudes in Sweden are changing fast, and it's mostly the older generation that regard food without animals as less
Meat free days has been tried, and many schools has committed to always have a meat free alternative. It's rear to find restaurants without a clearly marked vegan alternative, often more than one
The real problem is the large minority that refuse to eat anything marked as vegan
@yassie_j how do I give posts a Nobel Peace Prize?
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore I would consider any bacon breakfast a heavy one.
And I am awere that people eat more then breakfast. However I do believe that their exist far greater concerns then health, which the cancer risk is only a small part, with heavy meat consumption.
Which I would define as more then two servings a week.
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore I wanna be clear were I am coming from
The meat industry in Sweden recommend that swedes should eat on average 40kg a year, a bit over 50g a day, of all meats. Swedes eat about twice that on average
Americans eat about four times that number
This recommendation is based on what they can produce sustainably, and Swedish condition is well suited for meat production
The concern about health is overshadowed by environmental concerns
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore if 50g a day is not a heavy breakfast for you, I understand your concerns more. Personally I would only eat that large a portion of processed/red meat on occasionally.
Most food products come with health risks, many more sever then cancer. If I don't remember wrong processed/red meat primarily increases the risk for bowl cancer, which is very treatable.
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore I did, admittedly a few years ago. And if I don't remember wrong the does respons was well over 50g a day. Meaning to get a measurable risk increase you would have to eat a heavy bacon breakfast everyday, or equivalent.
And I want to be clear a measurable increase risk for some cancers isn't a meaningful risk for negative health outcomes.
You could imagine a less rich diet having other negative outcomes.
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore well clearly the FDA and sister agencies in developed countries agree with me. If they believed it was a meaningful risk to most consumers they would have baned the sale. Their exist a reason why everything else on your list is heavily restricted in its sale.
With that said I do avoid nitrate salt when I buy food and prefer alternatives without. But I don't think it's helpful to warn consumers about minor risks.
@doctor_zoidberg @Herbivore noisy warning labels aren't helpful.
As I stated in an other reply. Their exist no reason to believe that processed meat is a meaningful cancer risk, to most consumers.
@Herbivore I hope you know this is highly misleading.
The groups are based on the quality of the evidence, not the magnitude of the effect.
It's not even known if the effect from nitrate salt, the active ingredient causing cancer in this case, has strong enough effect to be meaningful in practice.
That is why it hasn't been baned yet, if it were proven: it would as it is an unnecessary additive.
Nitrate is added for colour.
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