@KellicTiger it's almost certainly a kernel driver issue. But considering that your device is still under warranty I would strongly advise contacting customer support. You should follow all steps as they describe, even if you have already done the same thing before.
Otherwise try installing another kernel.
@storybead I assume this tools using a negative value tool is still considered "engineers"?, as someone put it. "an engineer doesn't blame their tools, they also don't bring the wrong tool to the work site".
@storybead I mean if they are really offloading all work on OpenAI they are at least efficient with their own time and effort, depending on how much clean up they end up having to do.
@storybead are you sure that you aren't just missing it between all the ai slop?, maybe they are doing amazing work, that they are covering up with ai.
@LALegault yes, welcome to post feminism.
@7666 I have been Steve in this conversation numerous times.
@dragonarchitect the problem is the lack of sensible external gpu options, what you'd like is a usb dock with a built in laptop style gpu. Unfortunately most egpu are big massive enclosure for desktop style gpus, that are as big as a mini pc or bigger.
@AnarchoNinaWrites I seriously believe this is the kinda crap the CIA ask new recruit to do as part of some kind of hazing ritual.
I am an aspiring author, please consider checking out my writings at my Patreon page, and if you like my writings you can support me in whatever way you like.
I am hopping to have a short story published every month. I have a short sample available right now, please check the link below.
@blaurascon this sounds like one of does please check if you're a terrorist question.
Hey, I’m looking for a roommate! I have a house in central Minnesota - it’s a three bedroom, me, a trans man, and two cats. #trans people specifically please dm for more info! :)
boosts appreciated!
some other details if you’re interested:
i currently co-own the house with my ex, who left. our plan is to sell it, but we can’t because it was just purchased in July. so this would be until spring or summer, and at that point I would potentially be interested in finding another place with the same roommate situation, if we all felt good about it.
I’m trans, 24, and while i like a decently clean house I’m pretty chill. My roommate is vegetarian and I’m vegan, so we wouldn’t want meat in the house.
Happy to discuss more if that sounds interesting :) I’m absolutely willing to take someone from far away!
@queenofnewyork I just realised I missed a word. I meant to say be prepared to walk anything back, no point in walking back prematurely.
@2d ugh, my email client was misconfigured.
Thanks, hope we will work something out. Further detail in my email.
@queenofnewyork if you have it written down, even in a diary, you can bring it up.
Just make sure to walk back anything that isn't in the written record.
41) A lot of places globally that have been magnets lately for US expats are experiencing serious impacts from that. Gentrification, extreme rise in housing costs and/or availability, inflation, sense of diminishing local culture, etc. Enter the new homeland with a lot of sensitivity to how our presence is disruptive to the lives of others. Tread lightly. Look for ways to become a contributing member of the community. I'm sorry this landed low on my random-order list. It's NOT a low priority.
@iamd3ad_un1corn Alien is sometimes used for extraterrestrial aliens, which of course is a very different thing.
Alien is apparently Latin, which means that modernised legal language should be avoiding the term. Not because it's dehumanising, but because it's considered anachronistic to write law in Latin.
@iamd3ad_un1corn alien is the correct legal term, especially for someone without an legal residence.
About the the Russians. in Sweden we had a lot of Russians coming from the Baltics, specifically because they didn't meet language requirements. and wanted permanent residency in the EU.
@MisuseCase @chiraag @rebeccawatson I honestly thought that mostly was a thing in the south. All I really know about prison labor in California is that one episode of Last Week Tonight about firefighters.
Prison labour in Sweden is also under paid, and most famously IKEA used prison labour in the DDR. Sweden is most definitely not sin free.
Aspiring Author.
I write to learn how to be human.
Wealth is a legal fiction.
Believer in absolute human rights.
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