OK. Getting pissed at #Fedora #KDE or who the hell knows what is at fault. For all I know its a problem with the GPU on my #Framework 16.
For almost a year I had been happily going along after moving from Windows to Fedora. No issues. Clean installed to Fedora 41 in late October I think, and still didn't have issues.
Then some update in NOV / DEC has made the OS shit the bed. Behavior from OS shuddering where I can type every few seconds. To video on the Plex Client where if I move the cursor it allows the video to move at a normal pace, but if I stop moving the cursor it stops all video updates until I move the cursor again. To outright freezing of the video but audio is fine., where if I put the system to sleep and bring it back there is a 70% chance it will be fine again. The other 30% I need to restart the system. The thing is if I do something such as min the current windows, it doesn't update the display but if I put the system to sleep and bring it back it seems to have done what I had asked it to do but simply didn't refresh the screen.
I've been poking at the messages log for answers but there is nothing that clearly stands out as a problem. There are errors but as best I can tell they are red herrings. Top and Btop doesn't show any major IO on the SSD, or An overt use of RAM or CPU.

All I know is I don't have any issues on my desktop. Which is an AMD CPU and a NVIDIA GPU. Also running Fedora 41. But this is really getting me frustrated. I don't know how to troubleshoot UI issues. I feel like this is a KDE issue. I found userbase.kde.org/Troubleshooti That but I'm hesitant to start nuking things or rebuilding a user from the ground up.


@KellicTiger it's almost certainly a kernel driver issue. But considering that your device is still under warranty I would strongly advise contacting customer support. You should follow all steps as they describe, even if you have already done the same thing before.

Otherwise try installing another kernel.

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