@kaxigt jag förstår. Ledsen att jag inte kan vara till bättre hjälp.
Men jag gav upp twitter för snart två år sen, jag förlorade en del värda kontakter i processen själv. Jag vill inte säga mer än jag vet, och med tänke på det nuvarande skicket* vågar jag inte säga något om hur twitter fungerar.
*mycket av twitters nödvändiga underhåll är sannolikt eftersatt, vilket om sant är ett recept för opålitligt beteende.
@kaxigt sannolikt inte.
I didn't expect the question to be about that X, but rather commentary about how some on social media seems entitled to answer any questions.
Om jag får gissa skulle jag tror att twitter inte har speciell logik för att hantera fallet du beskriver, utan faller tillbaka till det generella beteendet. Jag skulle inte lita på att twitter fungerar speciellt väl alls, eftersom den nuvarande ägaren är upptagen med att bränna så mycket som han kan.
@kaxigt it depends...
@aeva I don't know how intresserad you are my terrible ideas, but I also liked Microsofts ideas leading up to the launch of the xbox one. But they must somehow have forgotten that one of their key markets was soldiers, that can't use the Internet on deployment.
@aeva never has!
@aeva yeah it didn't really fir with how most people sell games. But I thought the plan was only for new titles?, never looked into it to closely as I don't use Unity. Just remember thinking it sounded reasonable, with the caveat that most would have to adjust their business plan.
@aeva I liked unitys per download approach, it's easy to measure, and it doesn't suffer from this kind of problem. Unfortunately people didn't seem too receptive to the idea.
@aeva like two marketed names for the app, or two repositories? I don't really understand how you would cleanly define "two apps".
@aeva I mean if it is part of a tradedress I guess it make some degree of sense.
@anthropy they already did, when they tried to buy ARM they had no references. TSMC demanded they paid over a billion dollar upfront for the 4000-series. Nintendo only agreed to let them design the switch-soc after they promised to take the hit on the development cost.
Nvidia is black listed by both Apple and Sony. And that's just what I know about.
@anthropy according to Linus, from LTT, nvidia is also the reason we don't have good egpus, a far greater crime.
@anthropy according to Linus, from LTT, nvidia is also the reason we don't have good egpus, a far greater crime.
@thorneby.bsky.social är det verkligen så förvånad att kvinnor har ett bredare ord förråd?
@anthropy nvidia baned that unfortunately. I think the tradition is still somewhat alive in China.
To those curious on the progress. I'm currently procrastinating configuring the wireless network demon by installing kde.
@futurebird oh we can. But in humans intelligens is corollated with all sorts of maladepted behaviour. It's hard to tell exactly why this is, but I am partial to the neroeconmic answer. it's expensive to invent new ways of thinking. The more intelligent you are the easier it is to mangel a broken thought pattern to fit new reality.
@HeavenlyPossum any idea too cleaver for *me* to criticise must be beyond approach...
@SeaFury sounds like he has an intended use/home for them.
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