Apparently we now know why the antarctic isn't freezing... (credit to Hank Green who unfortunately doesn't seem to be active here)
Wow - #LK99 not only successfully synthesized, but also showing larger levitation angle at room temperature than original paper, providing further support for the claims of room-temperature #superconductivity.
This is starting to get veeeery exciting!
“The reason most public transportation is seen as ‘losing’ money is precisely because it charges for trips. If you don't charge fares, suddenly it can't ‘lose’ money. It just costs money, the same as the roads.”
This random comment has given me my new favourite argument for removing fares from public transit.
@micah the four kids on the right looks like they are really uncomfortable with whatever is happening.
@xarvos @solarmerps mesa does some special casing, assuming you are talking about graphics related things.
It’s probably a good idea to repost this incredibly prophetic cartoon from 2014 at regular intervals because every day I see people who still haven’t fully imbibed its message. Apologies if it’s old hat to you.
The Terrible Sea Lion.
@darley @HeavenlyPossum the concept of "work" adding value is inherently a way of imagining labour as a form of capital, regardless of who is the benefactor of that added value.
@darley @HeavenlyPossum capitalism is absolutely what crate jobs, jobs only exist if you imagine labor as capital.
@directhex @mcc yeah, re-checked my sources, seems I was a bit mistaken. But the game bar does way more then it should, I kinda just imagine it as Interne explorer at this point (critical part of the operating system with terrible brand value).
@mcc @directhex yeah, every upcoming cpu I know of has some kind of core differential. This is the best source I found on quick notice (25 minutes in)
@mcc @directhex on morden Intel cpus you have e-cores as well as p-cores, the game bar picks what process is placed on what kind of core. Without the game bar all processes share all cores.
@mcc @directhex windows actually do some scheduling task with the game bar, only for hybrid cpus (as far as I know). So if you have a morden Intel cpu, or an upcoming AMD cpu I would recommend installing the game bar.
@never_released yep, that's what it looks like when you are pad limited.
CalcKey, MissKey, PixelFed, Lemmy, and Kbin too.👍🏿
"We can't increase the number of Black people in tech! It's too difficult!"
"We can't fight the power structures preventing college athletes from getting paid! It's too difficult!"
"We can't reduce the number of people killed by cops! It's too difficult!"
But we're doing all of these things. And we started by ignoring the dudes who said the above things.
The 1st step is "accepting the challenge." People working together can accomplish a lot.
Some Tesla drivers are buying simple weights marketed to trick the car's detection systems into letting them drive hands-free for minutes. It has already led to serious accidents.
“Elon Musk’s saying it’s supposed to drive itself.”
“How do you think they’re going to behave?”
Aspiring Author.
I write to learn how to be human.
Wealth is a legal fiction.
Believer in absolute human rights.
Dyslexia, Autism, etc...