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DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Can we please stop throwing around the threat of defederation?

Defederation shouldn't happen unless an instance is a cesspool full of terrible behavior with an admin unwilling to deal with it.

Annoyances like spam can be dealt with by admins without scorching the Earth and going nuclear.

Lets not turn the #Fediverse, where instance are supposed to be part of a larger collection, into islands of instances that have cut themselves off from others because of annoyances.

#Mastodon #MastoAdmin

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@polenz_r Niemand hat je was anderes behauptet. Was für ein Strohmann-Argument.

DanielTux boosted

@polenz_r tja. Ist halt Kapitalismus.

Finde es befremdlich dass den Grünen nun von der CDU übel ausgelegt wird, was sie selbst immer schon auszeichnete...

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted
Verbriefte Grundfreiheiten seien keine „absoluten Rechte“, so die EU-Kommission. Regierungen wollen schon Ausweitung der #Chatkontrolle
DanielTux boosted

What do you call a very small German bicycle? 

DanielTux boosted

"More than 40 leading scientists have resigned en masse from the editorial board of a top science journal in protest at what they describe as the “greed” of publishing giant Elsevier."

Elsevier's profit margin is around 40%. Claiming that academic publishers prey on researchers, more than forty leading scientists are setting up "a nonprofit open-access journal".

Publicly-funded knowledge should be free.

#Research #Publishing

DanielTux boosted

Now that VK_EXT_shader_object is out, I've got some thoughts...

Before I dig in, a disclaimer: I am NOT speaking on behalf of Khronos or the Vulkan working group. I also no longer work for a hardware vendor. I'm just very well-connected within the 3D graphics community.

DanielTux boosted

#TIL about #UnPaywall:

"An open database of 46,853,993 free scholarly articles.
We harvest Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use."

#research #PeerReviewed #AcademicJournals #OpenAccess

DanielTux boosted

"We found that [Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, the two largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies] did not actually invent most of the drugs they sell. Indeed, it appears they have already reduced their investment in the discovery of new medicines to the point where the threat of additional reductions rings hollow and is no longer a persuasive reason for opposing legislation to lower drug prices."

Emily H. Jung, Alfred Engelberg and Aaron S. Kesselheim

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DanielTux boosted

Kurt Lewin: "There's nothing more practical than a good theory."

Overheard at work: "There's nothing more permanent than a temporary workaround."

DanielTux boosted
Honestly the biggest shame is that the people reposting the stop doing ipv6 post is they missed there was a great voice actor reading of it made:
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DanielTux boosted

In welchem Umfang baut die Bahn eigentlich eigene erneuerbare Energieanlagen auf, und warum ist es nicht genug?
Als größte Stromverbraucherin Deutschlands dürfte der besonders profitable Eigenverbrauch ja immens sein.

DanielTux boosted

Auslöser der #Streiks in Deutschland benennen und verurteilen. Unternehmen und Staat haben jedes Maß verloren und wollen nach jahrelanger Stagnation nun den Reallohnverlust für Arbeiter:innen. Gleichzeitig befördern sie weiter die gefährliche Profit-Preis-Spirale. Schluss damit!

DanielTux boosted

Warum heißt es »Schießerei zwischen Reichsbürgern und Polizei« und nicht »Familientragödie«?

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