Disappointed today. Our 10 year old cc has developed significant mechanical flaws, which would cost significantly more that it's value to fix. My original plan to keep it as a vehicle with a new electric vehicle is in tatters. Guess I'll have one last bite of gasoline cherry.
Hey @LinusTech how does it feel to be one of the very few Canadians actually able to get a new @amd chip? Seems like the rest of us will not be getting any for weeks or months.
Well, MRI are interesting things to receive. I could feel my blood respond to the magnetic field. It was like holding a Van DeGraaf generator, except also very not.
Stream will happen in about 30-40 minutes. Gonna rip out the old progress bar stuff, and finish tidying up the new stuff. Also, got a tweak to performance for eventbus.
Why is it, whenever I read issues about multihomed ipv6, the first solution people recommend is to ask ARIN/RIPE for a /48. Wtf? I'm a single family home, not a bloody data center. ARIN is not interested in dealing with me.