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Continuing onward with work done to better organize the source code and how the various classes work together. Also, I am now working from Fedora 34, the ARM build, running in Parallels on a MacBook Pro.

Work is continuing on the audio platform - and simulator - user interface. I have spent a lot of time learning about and implementing C/GTK’s object-oriented way of doing things. .

Continuing work on the audio platform, and this time I doing some careful study and work on building GTK+ widgets in GObject classes. This is how the GTK+ graphics framework, or really Glib, uses C to build object-oriented APIs.

More work on this project on a Saturday evening! Working on drag'n drop. Great progress over the last day.

The beginning of the GTK+ project to support a new audio effects platform I am working on. Two hours this evening and I have a generic module being added to an interface.

Working on a new 3D game. Just looking into a Blender tutorial on making basic plants, or in this case, fungi.

Starting to put together a long range plan on projects. Here it goes: Linux Effects - first priority, then AnaddrSynth, and then some game, followed with research into computer vision, AI, and ML. I'll start posting updates here.

Started back on the analog synth project, which was really shelved around 2011/2012. Ordered ADSR module parts for prototyping. Next step, work with the existing MIDI-CV module. Also, I am starting to dabble with the Unity Game engine.

Yup, bad stuff.

"But it doesn’t quite work like that. The product is you. The goal is to keep you online for as long as possible. These supercomputers target you with information that they think will appeal to you. And the various social media companies compete to suck up more and more of your time.

The coronavirus threat remains pretty seems like it won't go away until there is a vaccine, or until EVERYONE wears masks!


Day 2 of being on Librem.One Social. I am finding that the community is small, so far. I have one pending request to follow a friend who joined, and I have followed Purism. Not much else happening. I plant o post some music and content, soon.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml