@darklordofsys sun's out, buns out!
@carlie 😂😂😂
@psb_dc your bun gets served fancy frisee?! I'm going to have to step my romaine game up.
@carlie :) :) He likes green leaf lettuce, baby arugula, bak choy, dandelion leaves, and frisee. So we rotate them around.
(He hates herbs though!!)
@major is he a Flemish rabbit? He's gorgeous!
@carlie 😍
@carlie Yes! I am there for #rabbitsofmastodon ! (We have two)
@danyork I need pictures!
@carlie These are three of the most adorable buns I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing.
What are their names?
@cazabon Womble
@carlie Doh, I didn't realize the outer two were... they're some pretty realistic rabbit plushes. 😂
@cazabon she thinks they're real too. :)
@carlie buns!!!