We’ve advised journalists to set up their own Mastodon accounts and servers. This kind of federated social media puts people and communities in control. It can guarantee journalistic freedoms, which #ElonMusk and #Twitter have demonstrated are precarious in their centralised, monopoly products. #fediverse https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/16/twitter-elon-musk-suspension-journalists-sets-dangerous-precedent-un-warns
@openrightsgroup The Grauniad, for example, keeps writing articles about Mastodon but do they have an instance?
@jim @AlexVoss @openrightsgroup It wouldn't be so different from setting up a SecureDrop instance, which they and other newspapers already have.
@andrewthelott @jim @openrightsgroup At least the Guardian I knew (been collaborating with them at some point) easily had the technical wherewithal and would have wanted to be at the forefront of things. Their fortunes have taken a bit of a turn for the worse, though, so might have changed.