John McCoy worked so hard and produced something remarkable: a convincing pipe organ library under 4 MiB. It was truly ingenious, the sounds he could coax from material where others may not have seen the potential. The bad news is copyright. His license forbade commercial use. I don't care about commercial use but forbidding it is adding one more complication that shackles a work of art. Even if John McCoy could be persuaded to release under cc0, he apparently used copyrighted sources. Ahem.
If you want to make free as in libre pipe organ music without sampling your own pipe organ, the only alternative I'm aware of is Versilian Studios' cc0 pipe organ. They have what sounds like a flute stop and a full, unanalyzable mix, which is awesome but not as much as we could have gotten if John McCoy were working in a copyrightfree world.