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nobody at all:
me, sitting in peace and quiet:
my memelord tryhard echo chamber of a brain: ... but IS it gay to fuck?

okay does anyone want to swim in the toilet

Crush update + personal stuff 

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Crush update 

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About yesterdays party / Crush update 

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About yesterdays party / Crush update 

nightmare levels are 62% and steady

(62%) ■■■■■■□□□□

Fue recomendación para tesistas en enero y sigue siendo para tesistas y estudiantes en cuarentena. A mi ya me salvó un par de veces, así que sigo compartiendo EL bot del 2020 en #Telegram 📚

So one of my best friends posted a Hegel meme....

The time has come

So I'm working from home (and is a young boi) so my entire family is literally throwing a socially distant party. I can hear the music from here and I can't waaaait for my shift to end!

Para docentes que tienen que hacer clases virtuales y están por enloquecer. Si tienen acceso a una PC con webcam y un simple auricular de celular (con micrófono) OBS Studio les puede ser muy útil para grabar sus clases

[smugly] you know, I'm kind of a big deal on the Fediverse

my date: the what

holy fuck i used to put in the bare minimum amount of thought required for programming on school assignments

Mastodon is most fun when scrolling through it at work

"I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you're not the kind of person who can know. I'm just saying that you've commited the Cartesian mistake of supposing that the subject can come to knowledge a priori. What I'm getting at is that you lack the ethical education, the technology of the self, that allows you to understand or say anything."

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