I'm thinking in giving up on keybase. It's a cool idea, but their new crypto makes me highly doubt their financial stability.
IndieWeb style verification of identity is way more flexible and actually permanent. Downside is that regular users might think its more confusing, guess can't have it both ways.
The 🗣️ emoji has been forever imprinted in my mind as the yodle emoji
@SunSaint at times, about once a year
@liaizon I thought I was the only one.
The synth patch on the next track really grabbed me, followed by base swells and swoops. Minimal track so far, but it seems to build up to something grand.
The lead to the wind melody was nice, hopefully the next track is also wind based.
That re introduction of the beat of the end really changed things up.
Hands on sounds really self absorbed, not a fan of the music, but the lyrics are obviously the focus, said lyrics are a turn off for me.
The sampling on God is is masterful, really emotionally charged, vocal melody hooked me right away.
Wow, the baseline entered and the elevation is real! No *this* is my favorite! I believe the hype now, this must sound awesome live.
Water is less engaging, kanye's performance is somewhat monotone, but Ant's vocals + autotune work are on point.
The bit-crunchy beat on everything we need is ice cold, really smooth. Dolla sign brings some great needed change in style. Prob my fav so far.
Oh God, the next track, sounds cheesy IMO. The arpeggiator sounds really on the nose, plus the sound pallet is too similar to the previous track. Focus seems to be on lyrics, but I'm more focused on sound on the first listen.
Closed on Sunday has some great guitar layering followed with a minimal synth base line, my favorite so far.
It also ended abruptly, thankfully the next track has a killer groove. Lowfi mood with minimum sampling, cool track.
Wow, it sure ended abruptly! Second track synths came from nowhere. Vocal melody is super epic so far.
First track had some great energy, the piano melody was really danceable and catchy. Great openner.
see pinned post