@sir okay, hear me out. This is the game I’ve always wanted to develop if I retired early.
@sir The game starts as a text adventure. After advancing a bit, it starts showing some pictures (like the hobbit). After advancing, it turns into a point and click adventure (like Kings quest). After advancing, it turns into a full graphic adventure (like day of the tentacle). After advancing, it turns into a 3D adventure (like grim fandango). After advancing, it turns into a full 3D adventure (like ocarina of time). Finally it turns into a sandbox 3D adventure (like BoTW)
@sir The goal of the game is to (1) track yourself game development, and (2) show younger people how games have evolved over time.
I just wrote a few ideas above. The game could have mini-games that show different genres of each era. For example, “asteroids” can be a mini game of the “text adventure” era. “Mario bros” can be a mini game of the “point and click” era. “Contra” can be a mini game of the “graphic adventure” era
@sir in summary, I’ve always wanted to program a mini game of all the genres and eras I’ve enjoyed.
Maybe too much? Sure. That’s why it is my retirement project.
@cfenollosa @sir A similar concept (starting with graphics) that you may enjoy: Evoland http://evoland.shirogames.com/
@miguelbernadi @sir thanks a lot! I’ll check it out for sure!