

I'm vegan for decolonization reasons. I've never held or been raised to have a relationship with non-human animals (or products of their labour) other than for my consumption. I also get disheartened when people take hard-line approaches to veganism that doesn't include making space for sustenance hunters like the indigenous folks I share space with as an uninvited settler on stolen land.

Fatphobic / lifestyle stereotypes gotta go. Healthy can be any size. Solidarity.

@karenm @fatvegan @NatSecGeek you know, I keep hearing about these vegans (and leftists) who attack indigenous sustenance hunters with the same reasoning they attack advanced western societies who factory farm and damage global ecosystems, but I have yet to lay eyes on a single one of them. Has anyone ever seen, or do you have any examples of, vegans who attack indigenous hunters?

@milkman76 @karenm @fatvegan @NatSecGeek I've had plenty of arguments with vegans going after Indigenous and non Indigenous subsistence trappers, hunters and tanners including members of my own family. In practice I'm predominantly a lacto ovo vegetarian who will eat meat if offered as I'm against wasting food. That being said I will always respect the dietary choices of others and do my best to accommodate any guests at my table with the yummiest food options that meet their needs.

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