Hello @mobian I would like to ask some questions:
I've switched to unstable #mobian repo and upgraded #chatty from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0; then it crashes when I send an #xmpp message.
Will the new version of #Megapixels be added to the repos ? In my 0.16.0 the camera doesn't display well colours, is it normal in this version ?
I've installed #nautilus file manager but it is not "libhandysed" but at the same time when some apps require a file I see a nautilus with #libhandy; why ?
@mobian Ok thanks, I hope GTK4 will be added in #Debian repos.
Interesting, I launched chatty via terminal and verbose option; when it crashes as I'm trying to launch a xmpp message, I get a "Segmentation Error". I'm learning C language and I get exactly this same error when I forget the pointer symbol "&" in a scanf.
@inuit sounds like a case for systemd-coredumpctl, so we can get a stack trace of where u exactly crashes. If you 'killall chatty' and the start chatty from the command line, do you get any console output?
$ chatty
15:15:01.4883 GStreamer[123676]:CRITICAL: gst_element_message_full_with_details: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed
15:15:01.4893 GStreamer[123676]:CRITICAL: gst_element_message_full_with_details: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed
Erreur de segmentation
The last line appears when I try to send an OMEMO message, I saw on https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/chatty/-/issues/499 that it's an unsolved dependency: olm!2
@inuit gtk4 will make it for sure, just not in the bullseye distribution.
Hi @inuit
The #chatty issue is probably https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/chatty/-/issues/499 (please check and if not file a separate issue)
0.16.0 will be the last version of megapixels for both the "mobian" and "unstable" branch (check https://blog.mobian-project.org/posts/2021/03/15/unstable-distro/ if you're unaware of the differences).
The new releases depend on GTK4 which we do not want to maintain downstream in #mobian, but it will definitely be coming when we start tracking #debian #bookworm.
@inuit No we won't be able to upgrade megapixel in the bullseye cycle as it requires gtk4 which is not in Debian bullseye. A blog post explaining this is due to be posted soon.