Going through some old floppy disks and found a copy of DOS5 from 1991.
I dd’d the contents too an .img file and managed to install it in a vm. Then found the DOS6.22 upgraded disks and did the same.
Amazingly all six disks read without error.

So now I have a DOS VM. I wonder where my copies of old DOS games got put…

And since I can. Here’s Windows 2.03.
It now sports moveable and resizable Windows. And the colour scheme is less garish.

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I had gotten used to the fairly stable, attractive and complete GUI of the Atari ST at least two years before Win 2.0, didn't actually get to use Windows till 3.0 and grudgingly admit to liking Windows 3.11

@in8sworld I don't think I used windows until 3.1. Prior to that I used DR GEM, and then around 3.1 I moved to OS/2.

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