Oh hell yeah. @mozilla is launching a Mastodon instance in early 2023! I’m very excited for this. Mozilla is really good at what they do. Firefox has over 200M monthly active users, and with any luck they’ll build better support for the fediverse into Firefox itself. Mastodon will greatly benefit from easy to use professionally run instances that can handle massive scaling https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-launch-fediverse-instance-social-media-alternative/
6.4M Earthquake in Northern CA. USGS mapping tool shows lots of aftershocks
The tunes in this jig set are:
James Kelly's / The Foxhunt / John Brosnan's / West Kerry Polka
I worked out the sheet music for the tunes in Lunasa's "Dublin to Dingle" set from their 2003 #Trad album Redwood. What I usually do is search on thesession.org for something close for each tune, then grab the abc notation and modify till I get close to how I can play it. Just more work done on the Book of Song III
Spent a little time reading about the Will Wheaton mastodon fiasco of 2018 on this old post https://nolanlawson.com/2018/08/31/mastodon-and-the-challenges-of-abuse-in-a-federated-system/ by @nolan which led to this more recent related thread on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33594961 and it seems that if you're a celebrity or a politician you should run your own instance. That certainly seems like a pretty good business opportunity for someone.
Louie Zong is a fantastic artist and musician and makes super cute and entertaining stuff for the web. He deserves more (positive) attention! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFSyPcuvl70
When that old #chromebook no longer gets updates from Google, use #linux to give it new life! Blog post about playing with far too many distros on my old ASUS C202sa
It seems like I have to create a completely separate account on all those servers if I want to keep them separate, but it doesn't make sense to me. The server should be able to authenticate me as a user here figure out that, sure we federate with them, and allow me to create an account with a unique username on their system. Their users don't need to know I "live" over here, only that their server trusts where I'm from.
Why? because I have different interests and perhaps want to keep them separate but I'm still only one real person and so I'd like to be able to see and read everything from all my various servers on which I participate. Lets say I'm a gamer and I want to participate on a server specific to a game I play. I would like an account THAT server with a username of a name I use in-game. Maybe I don't want those users to follow me home. I want to play with them there and leave them there.
Haven't been logging into this instance all that much and have been using the other one a lot. This is probably the biggest gripe I have with Mastodon. I'd like to be able to maintain one instance (this one, say) and then auth on other servers creating an identity there specific to that one (think Discord). The authentication on the backend so the server knows who I am and where I come from but presenting to the world as a user on that server.
Playing with an open source MOD player / editor created as a re implementation of the DOS based Impulse Tracker. "trackers" like this were used to create and play digital music used in some popular video games, as well as early electronic music.
Grab some mods to play here:
And check out Schism Tracker here:
If you ever used Winamp in the 90s, written by punk and coder Justin Frankel you'd recognize the tagline that it would play when you started the program: "It really whips the Llama's ass!" So what was that all about? Turns out its a line from a song written by a schizophrenic punk musician from Chicago named Wesley Willis which he sang to the auto-accompaniment feature of a synthesizer. The line is from Willis' "Whip the Llama's Ass". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntDcqOxMsM
In a #D&D game I'm running, one of the players is a halfling cleric. She sent me a picture to use for her character, and I made a token out of it (a circular game piece image) for use on #owlbear.rodeo (which you should check out). I posted the token in the handouts channel of our game's discord server and she said it made her look like she was on the cover of Halfling VOGUE, so naturally, *this* happened...
Wargus uses the assets from the original #warcraft II game CD and lets you play at higher resolution than the original game could do. Multiplayer seems to work well.
Upgraded an old Nexus 7 (2013) to android 10 today with #lineageos and as usual, any problems I had were directly related to me not following the directions. Its working well again for my purpose which is a way to carry around all my sheet music and lyrics. Also gave me an excuse to write about it: https://www.in8sworld.net/blog/2021-01-17_nexus7
I have lots of devices and those I use almost daily include: a smartphone, tablet, chromebook, laptop, desktop and two home servers, not to mention a raspberry pi doing odd jobs. I'm forever grabbing one or the other depending on the need and situation and it wasn't long before I realized that I needed some way to sync at least some key files to all these devices and I've used lots of different methods to do this over the years. Lately its been a locally hosted git repo. What are you using?