It's cool that I can dump entire proofs into a proof checker, but it's entirely unenlightening
I'm spending massive amounts of time being a proof gremlin and doing inverts and associativities and whiskering and other minor tasks compared to the actual body of the proof
The aesthetics of an elegant textual explanation of a sequential proof is utterly destroyed by all the ugly details
This is not a place of honour, nothing valued is here
Maybe I only say this because I haven't yet tackled any significantly large development using Idris
One day I'll be frustrated by all the issues from overly dependent program code and be like friendship ended with types. Racket is my new best friend
@ionathanch There are technical issues behind the HCI issues though. Equality is too hard to work with in proof assistants. It's too hard to convince proof assistants that things are equal (as opposed to convincing humans in paper proofs). I'm not sure we can overcome this with HCI improvements.