Looking for a #Psion-like experience on your #mobileLinux device? I've just released version 0.3.1 of Pygenda - my WIP Agenda app.
No headline feature this time, but some convenience & in-progress features I wanted to make available for testing.
Designed for #PDA devices (e.g. #PinePhone with keyboard). I use it on my #GeminiPDA and I have install guides for #postmarketOS & Debian-like OSes. Would love to hear from people testing on their #MNT, #Zaurus, #eeePC, #n900…
@grahamvh It's something I'm thinking about (also a pmOS apk). However, I'm not sure of a good way to do it. I'd like more testing & feedback from other people before making packaging decisions (so it integrates with default calendar of the OS etc). Unfortunately, while the install/config seems simple for me, it is clearly still a hurdle, so there are very few people testing it.