Everything about this story is terrifying, but the cherry on this shit sundae is that they are pushing changes directly to prod.


@evacide That stands out as Extremely Not At All Good, even among all the other not at all good things going on.

@mattblaze The people who think they are good at everything because they are good at coding are also bad at coding.

@evacide @mattblaze Some folks are born to be Dunning-Kruger poster children.

@SteveDuncan @evacide @mattblaze aside - we need a new term for this concept, since the original Dunning Kruger effect was just bad statistical methodology. economicsfromthetopdown.com/20


@hyc @SteveDuncan @evacide @mattblaze the Chinese has a term that roughly translates to little emperor, or third generation rich. It refers to an old idea that by the third generation the family in charge was so disconnected from the everyman they had no concept of struggle.

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