If you have valid reasons for purchasing a 3D printer, please let me know. I’d LOVE a reason to purchase the Bambu printer in my newsletter this week. https://newsletter.nerdlings.net/guaranteed-entropy/
@shawnp0wers I'm a little disappointed you're not considering a truly open source printer, like the _amazing_ https://www.prusa3d.com/product/original-prusa-mk4-kit-2/ .
Back in the day, I printed > 500 (!!!) frames for face shields, used by health care professionals early on in the COVID crisis.
Today, I print household doodads that are just not easily available (or are stupidly expensive) - drain plugs, corners for screen windows, wire clips, just-the-right-size plant pots, etc. Some things I design myself, some I download.
@shawnp0wers now you know (and knowing is half the battle ;-)