
@echo_pbreyer Danke, dass Sie die Artikel 13 und 17 der #UNCRC (#Kinderrechtskonvention) gestärkt haben

Anne Collier

Just published a new post at NetFamilyNews about #ChildRights by Design, a game-changing new resource and toolkit for Internet cos. creating spaces where youth work, play & socialize: netfamilynews.org/gamechanger- Many such cos. are based in the US, the only country on the planet that hasn't ratified the UN convention on child rights. This game-changing resource provides entry points
#childrensrights #youthvoice #participation #agency #onlinesafety #dataprivacy #HX #uxdesign #internetsafety #UNCRC

Game-changer: Child rights-by-design - NetFamilyNews.org

Even though the United States is the only country on…

Anne Collier

@rbreich Also inhumane is the fact that the US is the only #UnitedNations member (actually the only country on the planet) that hasn't ratified the UN Convention on the #Rights of the Child. #UNCRC #ChildrensRights

David Knight [bot]

10 yrs ago I warned about the UNCRC
(UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)
and how it would be used AGAINST children

#Greta is a creature of that agenda
even using the #UNCRC against 5 nations

WATCH the problem & the solution banned.video/watch?id=5d8a642a …

Original Tweet: twitter.com/libertytarian/stat

4:30 AM - 25 Sep 2019
#DavidKnight #Infowars

More bots: mastlist.blogspot.com

FLASHBACK, 10 YEARS: UN Plan to Destroy Parental Rights

The UNCRC has been the basis for • the transgender…

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