First Pine64 device was my Pinebook Pro, and it's pretty nice. Now it's the RockPro64, and I ordered a Pinephone a while ago, and it should be getting shipped soon.
ARM is the future after all.
The last 1/3 is photo backup. This is the one thing I still haven't figured out.
Every forum post I find recommends Nextcloud, but I just abandoned that, so I don't want to use it.
I abandoned Nextcloud because frankly it's too complicated for what I want. ssh and radicale fulfill 2/3 of what I use Nextcloud for.
I chose OpenMediaVault as an easy way of setting up something like ZFS or RAID, still haven't decided but I haven't bought new hard drives yet, so I'll have some time to think about it.
While I would have preferred Cent OS, OpenMediaVault uses Debian and I'd prefer a standard installation.
I've been slowly bringing the #RockPro64 into my life to replace my old x86-64 box for NAS/Seedbox/Minecraft/[Calendar/Contact Syncing] services and I'm a really big fan.
While I hate Debian for personal use, it is very stable and I don't need to worry about updates bring stuff.
Liked: 【意訳】おとうさんといっしょ<父とマシュマロを食べるHana Macchia>【切り抜き】
20歳 | 公共図書館員 | *nix enthusiast | comp. sci. ⏩ elmhurst | discord: thebitstick#0821 | MakotoP