Liked: Did you want to watch Shigure Ui eat cookies for 4 minutes? No? Well here it is anyways.
@quad ah I remember one last use for Nextcloud
as a replacement for Google Photos
but thinking about it now I could just use some rsync app or something on F-Droid
@quad what password manager do you use? because I've been storing my KeePass on Nextcloud and Keepass2Android works well with WebDAV stuff. Haven't checked sftp though.
@quad radicale looks like it'll be what replaces Nextcloud for me, then
I can just combine my Nextcloud storage with the rest of my NAS storage, and use that over sshfs.
@quad OH I remember. Google Drive.
I replaced Google Drive with Nextcloud, so that's why I made the separation...
@quad I already use sshfs for most of my NAS too
@quad honestly I forgot why I chose Nextcloud, probably just cause it seemed easier.
Somehow I have to migrate from a half-broken snap install of Nextcloud to a non-containerized instance.
Maybe I'll just re-do everything...
I made the stupid fucking mistake of installing the snap version of Nextcloud.
Don't use snap to begin with.
Alright so the whole thing came in and I've been setting it up for a few hours.
It runs Minecraft for now Poggers
20歳 | 公共図書館員 | *nix enthusiast | comp. sci. ⏩ elmhurst | discord: thebitstick#0821 | MakotoP