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"Rant: File Sharing on #Linux is A Mess" #Samba ๐Ÿง

I had to share this video from @thelinuxcast because I agree. Linux does so many things better than Windows, but simple file-sharing on a network is not one of them.


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With Vivaldi's Ad and Tracker Blocker you can adjust the blocking level per site from the Address Bar.

#DataPrivacyDay #Privacy #SwitchToVivaldi

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It's official, GNOME Chat is now on Matrix! This recent update to Foundation and Project communications comes as a result of our 2021 chat evaluation initiative. Learn more and find us on chat here: foundation.gnome.org/2022/06/0

#GNOME #opensource #Matrix

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โ€ข Will you (or could you) be in Oslo on the 11th of June (10AM)?
โ€ข Can you unicycle?
โ€ข Can you unicycle 25km?

Join the first ever "Oslo Enhjulssykkelrunde (Unicycle Tour of Oslo)".

#unicycle #Oslo

More information on Facebook or Strava.



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Oh and I should probably add that not everyone will do the full 25km, some will stop at Frognerparken (approximately) 7km. So if you can't do 25 but feel you could do 7, that works too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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If you're using Google or Cloudflare DNS, or live in Portugal, you may be having issues loading the site at present. Our (ever wonderful) hosts are on the issue so it should be solved relatively shortly. Apologies in the meantime!

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How fast is a unicycle? I just went out of a ride on my smallest/slowest uni. It has a 24" inch wheel (same as a kids bike).

I rode 16.5km/10.2 miles with 209m/686ft of elevation (yes Oslo is fairly hilly) in 1h and 3mins, meaning an average speed of 15.5km/h or 9.6mph.



P.S. Previously I did this route on my biggest wheeled unicycle 36" inch wheel, I averaged 18.1 km/h or 11.2mph.

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