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Ayer instalé una protección al termotanque solar ya que anunciaban fuertes tormentas en Córdoba. Finalmente solo fue lluvia, pero ahora estamos mejor preparados. 😁😁

serantux boosted

Esta tarde tendrás en Youtube el nuevo tema del #CursoKdenlive, pero ya puedes disfrutarlo en @joinpeertube.
¿Necesitas crear tu propia intro?
Anímate a crear la tuya.
Peertube (disponible):

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We are looking for talented people in all areas of our business - from Engineering and Support to Sales and Marketing.

With Nextcloud, you make a difference. Check more than 10 new job openings and apply today! 💙

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The #pinephone is actually pretty neat to run octoprint on, has a built in touchscreen and camera :D

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RT @juncotic
Nueva promo! Durante esta semana podrás acceder a cada curso por sólo 9.99 dólares.
Te esperamos!!
#cursos #gnu #linux #iptables #vim #ssh

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📺 LIVE IN 1 HOUR (13:00 Eastern, 10:00 Pacific).

PrivChat #5 | Protection Against Pegasus

Institutions invest billions annually into buying & building malicious spyware. What can journalists, activists, & human rights defenders do to protect themselves?

In this edition of PrivChat, join Likhita and Etienne Maynier of Amnesty International and John Scott Railton of Citizen Lab.
Roger Dingledine, Co-Founder of the Tor Project, will join us as our host and moderator.

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Routed my first PCB. Probably shouldn't've chosen a high speed hdmi connection as my first board :D

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RT @nixcraft
Google hides @xkcd comic info in DNS TXT record

host -t txt
dig txt

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El Sistema de Reconocimiento Facial es un software que corre sobre las cámaras de videovigilancia de la CABA...

¡Te necesitamos! ¡Nuestros derechos están en juego!

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Here's a little thing that may not be obvious to many people....

When you install an open-source app from Google Play or the Apple app store, there is no guarantee that what you install actually matches the public code.

@fdroidorg are doing a great service. They independently build the public source code for apps from scratch, review for common issues, and publish their builds. Thanks to "reproducible builds" it's possible to verify they do not tamper with the code.

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RT @Luk5ollarce
Mis compañeros y yo necesitábamos instalar mysql y bueno salió este vídeo

Instalar y configurar #MySQL + #DBeaver en #Ubuntu / #PopOS! 21.04 🐧

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Tadaa, a #pinenote showing its own schematics. It seems like the size of the pages of schematics is almost perfect for this.

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The last day at #DebConf21 online starts at 12:00 UTC with a talk about "GoVarnam, a new 'Intelligent' Input Method for Indian Languages in Desktop & Mobile" and, on channel 2, the first of a series of talks in Hindi: "कोई भी मोबाइल उपयोगकर्ता मुक्त/स्वतन्त्र सॉफ्टवेयर में कैसे स्थानांतरित कर सकता है "(How can any mobile user migrate to free software),

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Pegasus is a piece of malware - a virus - with the sole purpose to infect mobile devices. The eavesdropping made possible by Pegasus violates laws. Its trade must be banned - just like the trade with nuclear weapons is banned. #Fight4Privacy #privacy

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Utopig es una cooperativa de trabajo donde hacen webs a medida cuidadas con mimo. Conozco a una de las socias y doy fe que son gente majísima. Buscan un programador o progamadora para ampliar el equipo, os dejo aquí la oferta de trabajo, es 100% remoto (no tienen oficinas)

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Hello everybody, we'll be recording #PineTalk on Tuesday, and would love your input on what we shall discuss. We also could use a few community questions. So please ask :-)

Please note: We'll be on a short summer break after Episode 13, so it's really a good time to ask now!

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Librem Social

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