Another event will happen this afternoon but without video streaming: "Building feminist spaces in tech communities"
The morning continues with "Caninos Loucos: Enabling Design and Manufacture of FOSSH in Latin America", "What's new in the Linux kernel (and what's missing in Debian)" and the DebConf Bursaries BoF #DebConf19
Afternoon at #DebConf19: Debian Cloud Team BoF and short talks: "debootstrap update" and "Cluster NFS", followed by "APT 2.0 and other news" and "InterIMAP — The case for local IMAP servers and fast bidirectional synchronization"
Encuentro hackfeminista en Chiapas: estar en analógico para construir entornos digitales más dignos para nosotras
donde pudimos reconocernos desde diversas luchas y resistencias pero también desde lo que nos une a través de ellas; fueron días en los que nos pudimos conectar con otras y sumar a nuestros procesos de reflexión temas y acciones que las discusiones tecnológicas dejan deliberadamente fuera...
Bits from the Release Team: ride like the wind, Bullseye!
armel images are ready for testing #releasingDebianBuster
Debian CD testing extends to the live images too - they have just been sent for an extensive set of tests by our volunteer testers #releasingDebianBuster
Testing Debian 10 buster CD in teams is always more enjoyable ! #ReleasingDebianBuster
Be sure to check out the upgrading chapter of the Debian 10 buster release notes for your device, e.g. for 64-bits PC: #releasingDebianBuster
Images for the mips and ppc64el architectures are ready for testing - volunteers welcome if you have the right hardware! Co-ordination takes place in #debian-cd on and at #releasingDebianBuster
At least 1330 people and 9 teams contributed to Debian until 2019 #ReleasingDebianBuster
Images for the final two architectures are now arriving and s390x has been sent for testing #releasingDebianBuster
All the installation images are now complete. Testing of live images is still ongoing and will take a while longer - help is always welcome in #debian-cd on! #releasingDebianBuster
There have been about 31 different official and unofficial ports to various kernels and hardware types #ReleasingDebianBuster
Debian 10 buster has 28,939 source packages with 11,610,055 source files. See more stats (languages, other) at #ReleasingDebianBuster
Debian buster is the first release with a debian-policy mandating 'packages should be reproducible' (since policy 4.1.0) #ReleasingDebianBuster
Meanwhile the tests are ongoing, the Debian website is being prepared to offer all the info about Debian buster released as stable #releasingDebianBuster