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The Eric Erb Show, is the best alternative news and commentary which is not affiliated with any other news site or mainstream media, We broadcast news headlines and current events from around the world.

Oil prices to rise above $100 a barrel this year due to lack of investment in energy production capacity

Independent News, Commentary, Opinion, Technology, Current Events, World News, Culture, Society, Politics, Religion

Threat of EMP attack on U.S. detailed in 2013 – a decade before Chinese ‘spy’ balloons that could deliver EMP weapon spotted over U.S.

Covid newspeak brought definitional changes to words like “pandemic,” “vaccine,” and “herd immunity”

Trump slaps Hillary Clinton with lawsuit, alleges she “maliciously conspired” to create bogus “Russian collusion” narrative

Russian energy chief says country will begin taking payment for oil in gold, bitcoin to bypass Western sanctions

Hunter Biden’s investment firm partnered with Ukrainian researchers to “isolate deadly pathogens” using money from Obama’s defense department

A crucial, profane, passionate voice for free-thinkers in 21st century America. Eric will anger you if you’re a conservative and enrage you if you’re a liberal.

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