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Very important:

Anytime you see some cuckservative making retarded comments, such as “dumb Gab racists,” reply to it with the tag #CuckAlert so others can find it.

Shit. And I just thought she was really getting into the mood.

This is almost worse than a total ban. Instead of shutting down Live Action completely, Facebook is using the opportunity to force their pro-abortion agenda on anyone who shares Live Action content. This is social engineering at scale.

Facebook Cites Baby Killer Abortionists To “Fact Check” Pro-Life Content – Gab News

Ocasio Cortez SLAMMED For Violating First Amendment, Rejects Federal Court Ruling

In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everyone to Islam either by persusion or by force (Ibn Khaldun)

Israel Using Forged US Passports To Get Into Iraq, With US Help, According To Numerous Iraqi Groups


"sensitive, paranoid white men think they're under attack lol"

also msm:

"whites are losing power at an accelerating rate and here's why this is a great thing and oh yea just wait until they get payback for slavery"

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