Obama Criticizes Dems For Trying To Impeach Trump, So The Left Turned On Him
Public school is now transsexual child abuse indoctrination as the NEA colludes with LGBT groups to exploit schoolchildren – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-18-public-school-now-transsexual-child-abuse-indoctrination.html
CDC identifies vitamin E acetate as possible cause of vaping illnesses
Pompeo announces U.S. will no longer view Israeli settlements as illegal https://www.axios.com/pompeo-israel-settlements-west-bank-illegal-6b7e954b-3058-4c7f-b881-2cb16e1badb1.html #politics #news
It’s now mandatory to wear LGBT symbols or else you’re guilty of “hate speech” – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-11-mandatory-to-wear-lgbt-symbols-hate-speech.html
Q - Child Trafficking and why the demons don't want the wall built
CNN, ABC News ignore the Epstein cover-up… lying fake news media hides everything from its own viewers in order to protect the Clintons – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-11-cnn-abc-news-ignore-epstein-cover-up.html
Former Governor Deval Patrick Considers Entering Democratic Presidential Primary https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-11/urgent-ap-sources-deval-patrick-mulling-democratic-white-house-run #politics #news
UK government to deny health care to people whom it says engage in “hate speech” – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-11-uk-will-deny-health-care-to-people-hate-speech.html
Comcast Faces Call for Breakup in Legal Fight With Byron Allen https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-11/comcast-faces-call-for-breakup-in-legal-fight-with-byron-allen #politics #news
@seanhannity: Rep. Mark Meadows shuts down MSNBC reporter on air https://thejeffreylord.com/rep-mark-meadows-shuts-down-msnbc-reporter-on-air/ https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/1193977971838791680/photo/1
Thanks to the LGBT mafia, you can now lose your job for saying that only women can give birth – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-09-you-can-lose-your-job-saying-only-women-give-birth.html
Somehow, I didn't even know Snowden's wife/handler had a page dedicated to risque selfies and the occasional Illuminati icon.
Yup. Libido Dominandi. They trapped that boy with sex.
Snowden's no hero. He's literally a p*ssy-whipped traitor.
When the American people realize what he actually did, he's gonna have a rough time.
Americans will soon be forced into a guerrilla war of survival – Can America win against the globalist occupation forces? – NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-07-americans-will-soon-be-forced-into-a-guerrilla-war-of-survival.html
Official testifies Trump wanted Ukraine's Zelensky to mention "Clinton" in announcing probes https://www.axios.com/george-kent-ukraine-impeachment-transcript-b8a63c94-d83b-4d81-934c-394c5bce89e1.html #politics #news
Possible Felony Charges’ – Ilhan Omar Bombshell Rocks D.C.
Twitter Employees Charged with Spying for Saudi Arabia | Subverse News
A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.