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mandraker boosted
mandraker boosted

"Installation: we recommend that you use Docker."

what I'm supposed to see: "hey, it's a simple one-liner! Such clean install, much wow."

what I actually see: "we couldn't figure out how to install this thing on anything but our own machine, but hey, here is a well-compressed image of our entire disk, use this instead so that we can stop trying"

Bhe dipende da cosa hai, per mal di testa il problema è una scarsa idratazione del cervello misto infiammazioni per aver dormito male. Io a fine serata mi sparo un litro d'acqua e vado a dormire tranquillo.
Detto ciò, io sono un geometra, la mio opinione vale quella che vale


Yes, add a service on config and configure it on web.
To access at admin it take 1 minute of loading for no reason bat it login after all


Esiste l'alternativa ma nessuno la conosce.
I sono destinati al tonfo.

mandraker boosted
mandraker boosted

#IPFS service for #Guix System has landed!

It runs ‘ipfs daemon’ under a separate UID and in separate namespaces.

mandraker boosted

RT @AJamesMcCarthy
Today the @Space_Station briefly transited the 5.6% crescent moon. This was the most difficult transit I've ever attempted to capture- it required taking over 150 pictures per second to make sure I got it lined up properly. #astrophotography #space #opteam

mandraker boosted
mandraker boosted

We announced "guix home: Call for Early Adopters".

`guix home` utilizes wonderful Guix package manager :guix: and provide an ability to manage your user's packages and configurations in a declarative and reproducible way.

If you already want to try `guix home`, consider yourself at least advanced GNU/Linux user and have some spare time. Open the link below, read the thread and join!)

Toot if you have any questions.

Boost, please!)

#guix #gnu #floss #foss #guixhome

That will be great if this "desktop/server" also cache substitute of the official guix channel

mandraker boosted

That's a great article!
I'll install it on my server when we can also use "upgrade only with substitutes"

mandraker boosted

The difference between root systems of natural prairie grass and farmed cereal crops graphically explains how we created the dustbowl...

mandraker boosted

This is a nice little documentary on planned obsolescence (by the youtube channel Veritasium)

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