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KevinTheBA boosted
KevinTheBA boosted
KevinTheBA boosted

The first "Privacy Impact Assessment" about CBP's use of social media for situational awareness was just released. It shows a program that poses a clear risk to the free expression rights of social media users.

KevinTheBA boosted

Here's a "hack" for talking to Congress: in August, members are home for the summer recess, and you'll be able to share your concerns about digital rights with your representatives in person.

KevinTheBA boosted
KevinTheBA boosted

This morning #DebConf19 talks start fresh with: "E: lintian: bits-from-the-lintian-maintainers", "Building Medical Devices with Debian", and a BoF about Geographical Diversity

KevinTheBA boosted

Upcoming: "TrieHash - A perfect hash function generator", "How Ubuntu and Debian packages are structured in Launchpad Git" (short talks) and the Arm ports BoF. Follow the streaming at #DebConf19

KevinTheBA boosted
KevinTheBA boosted

Next event: "State of the Debian Keyring", short talk held in the Auditorium #Debconf19

KevinTheBA boosted

In a few minutes: "FOSS Governance: The good, the bad and the ugly", "What's New in Postgres Land for Buster", "Yubikey hands on: how to create, store and use GPG subkeys stored on your Yubikey", "Latin America y Caribe Meeting (no streaming)" #DebConf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Short talks in the Auditorium: "Debian on the Raspberryscape" followed by "Cat-Herding Development Boards" #DebConf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Meanwhile, "An infrastructure on containers to build your own Debian based distro", "Debian LTS, the good, the bad and the better" (long talks, streamed) and "Como se tornar um membro oficial do Debian (DD ou DM)" (no video, sorry) #Debconf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Afternoon break at #DebConf19. Your Developers will be back shortly.

KevinTheBA boosted

We return with: "Live Demos", "State of RDMA in Debian", "Debian and the Open Source Initiative", and "Licenças e direitos autorais em software: entenda como isso funciona" #Debconf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Last events for the day follow: "Electronic Experimental Music with Debian", "Building a Debian derivative from Git", and "The Free Software Foundation and Debian" #Debconf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Last Friday of July! Today is the System Administrator Appreciation Day. In Debian we're very proud and thankful to the DSA Team You rock! #SysAdminDay

KevinTheBA boosted

We start day 6 of the Conference with a single talk: "Free Software/Utopia" #Debconf19 - follow the live streaming in

KevinTheBA boosted

Meanwhile, a 2h workshop about Debian packaging will happen in room A102: "Empacotamento de software no Debian: uma visão geral e introdutória do processo"

KevinTheBA boosted

We continue with "State of the Data Protection team", "Let's package fonts. What could go wrong?", and "use Perl; # Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group" #Debconf19

KevinTheBA boosted

Short talk: "Shoelaces: painless server bootstrapping" held in the Main Auditorium. #DebConf19

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