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Breaking RSA with a Quantum Computer:

A group of Chinese researchers have just published a paper claiming that they can β€” although they have not yet done so β€” break 2048-bit RSA. This is something to take seriously. It might not be correct, but it’s not obviously wrong.


#china #rsa #security #infosec #quantumcomputer #breaking #encryption #brake #researchers

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karenm boosted

Mass shooting dream 

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Because I keep reading that Escher's work entered the public domain today.
From 2003:

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Alex Stokes is an antifascist in NY recently and absurdly convicted of assaulted after intervening in an attack by armed Proud Boys. In a clear miscarriage of justice, he's been sentenced to 20 years in prison! The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund had intervened to help fund the appeal of his sentence. Full story:

Make a contribution to Alex's legal defense fund:

Help keep the Defence Fund providing emergency aid to antifascists worldwide:

karenm boosted

So, our friends new collective house located in Wroclaw, Poland, which is also cultural social centre was attacked by nazis on new year's eve and new year. There is a lot of damage to the house (ex. destroyed windows and fence), but one person was beaten up badly
Can you please send some money to aid them in repairs? Or maybe just share it further? - fundraising - information about attack, sadly in Polish

karenm boosted

No state is worth defending, not even and especially not yours

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@QasimRashid Insulin should not cost more than a carton of cigarettes. We’ve got our priorities backwards again.

I intended to ask you too but I missed your stream yesterday.

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Can you recommend a lightweight fediverse app for pine64 pinephone? I'm gonna try diving in off my LineageOS-Android device for a week I think. I've been using fedilab.

Finally settled on Mobian Phosh and w/the phonephone keyboard it lasts more than 9 hours for me on a charge. Maybe you don't know but a follower has a suggestion? Is the browser a safe/good option?


Sorry, the event I was referring to was separate from @marumorav 's event. The one I was referencing was in Lheidli T'enneh, so called prince george BC (KKKLanada)


One of the participants:

"It was worth it though to see the prisoners reactions. They were waving and screaming my ftp. I just wish I knew the name of one person in there so I could hear their reaction first Hand"



F&%#'d-up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional... Heh.. Just FINE



All have been released but I was wrong about one. The last one was released @ 8am and is being charged with "Obstruction and resisting arrest I believe" (second hand) the other 6 had their charges dropped. (Second hand)



All have been released. Last one was released @ 2am Pacific time. Not sure about charges yet.

karenm boosted



7 arrested in so-called "pg bc" outside of pg jail for mischief, 2 also got resist arrest. Fireworks were possibly involved. (1st and 2nd hand reports) more info when I know more.

karenm boosted

I edited mine:

full-screen-api.ignore-widgets true in about:config . it makes it go full window instead of full screen when you press F11. I like it!

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