What's the red text on gray say on the antifa side of the scale. Its not legible to me
@fatvegan@kolektiva.social I feel I accidentally derailed your post:
As an additional statement of support regarding healthy at any size, folks like Patrick Baboumian as an extreme example, weigh over 100kg and are perfectly healthy.
People tend to make lifestyle assumptions about larger people. Larger people are not lazy, unfit or unworthy of our solidarity and love. In fact, these stereotypes often are the cause of negligent healthcare and contribute to needless deaths and harm. Again solidarity.
I'm vegan for decolonization reasons. I've never held or been raised to have a relationship with non-human animals (or products of their labour) other than for my consumption. I also get disheartened when people take hard-line approaches to veganism that doesn't include making space for sustenance hunters like the indigenous folks I share space with as an uninvited settler on stolen land.
Fatphobic / lifestyle stereotypes gotta go. Healthy can be any size. Solidarity.
Direct action is our loudest loudest voice <3
#drugs #harmreduction #pg #princegeorge #compassion #moccasinflats
Moccasin Flats warming trailer is up. Come stay warm at night when it's below -10C! Come visit us for period supplies and harm reduction supplies. We just restocked showerhead filters and lots of snacks! Yay!
Saloniki w Grecji: Protesty po śmierci 16-latka romskiego pochodzenia, zastrzelonego przez policję. Nałożyły się one na rocznicę śmierci innego nastolatka, który zmarł z rąk aparatu państwowej represji, Alexisa Grigolopoulosa, zmarłego 06.12.2008 roku.
Welp. Google being shady again. https://garrit.xyz/posts/2022-11-24-smart-move-google
At the #NewYork state capitol on J6, Proud Boys attacked counter-protesters with weapons. Alex Stokes defended several people and was arrested, getting 20 years in prison. In court, Proud Boys labeled him a "maniacal radical." Here's his story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CIWwnH6M34
RT @JessicaValenti@twitter.com
These are pregnancies at 6 weeks and 9 weeks - right now, they have more rights and legal protections than women in 14 states.
If blocks are lifted, eight other states will soon follow suit.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JessicaValenti/status/1599858593745948672
This is how the books of writers who spoke against the war look like in russian bookshops. #Russia #Censorship
WhatsApp and the domestication of users - Seirdy #privacy #FLOSS
70 years ago today, on December 5, 1952, the Great #Smog of #London began. Lasting for 4 days, it was an air #pollution event that resulted from a period of unusually cold and windless weather. Airborne pollutants from burning #coal collected over the city.
Contemporary medical reports estimated that 4,000 people died, and another 100,000 suffered some degree of illness. Modern estimates, however, put the #fatalities at 10-12,000.
The event resulted in the Clean Air Act 1956.
Once again, borders, passports, visas, and other fake things we invented to separate ourselves under the pretense of so-called national identity directly get in the way of academic progress.
@AnarchoNinaWrites In my country, some dipshits have suggested literally outlawing cancel culture. I keep wishing they'd start drafting the legislation, just so we could all enjoy people insist they support "free markets" while ordering us to consume content we don't want. Because that has to be what it ends up as.
I like qubes, lineagos, pinephone, sub.media , manjaro, debian, mobian, rust (game, but fuck that gerry guy, and all ceos actually), ark: survival evolved, waiting for my librem5 unicorn (mythical creature)... omg it arrived! welding, auto mechanics, dresses, shoes, apc-s lenses, short film, harm reduction, acab, land back, blm, rebel spell...