It's a great toy(pinephone community edition with convergence package), but I am still unable to use it as a daily driver. I am instead running a linageos compatible device as my daily driver. Adding the keyboard to the original pp (ppkb) has added hours to device and made it so it makes it through most days now onna charge, but it's still a stretch especially if I actually use it.
I've been toying with the idea of installing xen hypervisor on the...
The #LAPD is sending out emails asking people to be on the lookout for "larger groups" and "ANTIFA members."
Its notable here that 'antifa' - short for antifascist, is capitalized, a styling that is literally only used by the far-Right, reactionary news outlets like Fox News, and online chuds.
Just as we saw during 2020 and on J6, the culture of the police is awash in far-Right conspiracy theories, talking points, and reactionary, racist politics.
The group protesting in Columbus has not received a city permit to protest, Henderson said. Under city ordinance, protests with more than 15 people must be permitted. “If the crowd gets larger than 15 people, we will disperse it,” [Mayor] Henderson said.
Riot police and the Mayor of #Columbus in #Georgia today are threatening to "disperse" any crowds of more than 15 people today, as there is a scheduled vigil for murdered forest defender, #Tortuguita.
Local news reporting that already 50 riot police staging in the area.
#StopCopCity #BlackLivesMatter #TyreNichols #Tort #JusticeforTort #Atlanta #Georgia
Twitter Co-Founder @biz just endorsed Mastodon!
In a Guardian interview, he said:
“I don’t know that Twitter as a company is going to succeed for ever but the idea of Twitter I think will be around [indicating Mastodon].
"It would only matter that Twitter the idea continued. And that’s happened. That seems to be happening already. Mastodon seems to be winning the open-source, decentralised version of Twitter. People seem to be going there."
Need someone to tell me if NBC is low key suggesting an FBI guy running a COIN desk in New York in 2016 and 2017, was in pocket for "zee Russians" during the Trump investigation; or they just want me to infer all that from the extraneous information included in the article and run with it.
Read that carefully and tell me there isn't a subtext there?
(No opinion on veracity of that subtext; not enough information to go on - but sure feels like NBC is saying something)
RT @Jimmi_Lotts
Some work got done during march for #StopCopCity and #Tortuguita in Minneapolis, 1-21-23
This should utterly terrify literally everyone.
Like, this was already being done with space and positional mapping, but this level of detail and fidelity is almost certainly going to be used for primarily terrible ends: Cops, military, whole reams of blackhat bad actors. This is just…
Some concepts don't need proving. JFC.
@atomicpoet “Linux is a failure” *posted to a site hosted on Linux servers, then consumed on phones running Linux by connecting over network gear running linux, while drinking coffee brewed by a coffee pot also running Linux*
When they evicted and abandoned us,
we built networks of mutual aid and community self-defense.
When they dismantled our pirate radio station,
we installed a bigger antenna and sailed farther out to sea.
When they banned us from social media sites,
we reconvened on decentralized and encrypted platforms." ~ @CrimethInc
Bolsonaro supporters in the plenary of the Federal Senate in Brasilia:
Though this will probably not succeed as a coup attempt—Bolsonaro is currently in Florida, far from Brasilia—it will function as a pressure tactic to convey that governance in Brazil will be very difficult without appeasing Bolsonaro's fascist supporters. Even if this effort backfires for them, it will reinforce the idea that the only political options today are to side with the centrists who defend capitalist democracy (Biden, Lula) or to permit fascists (and the oligarchs who lead them) from seizing power.
Both centrist neoliberals and far-right fascists benefit from suppressing the possibility of participatory transformative change.
Today, far-Right supporters of ousted President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress building and have attempted to enter the Planalto Palace. Check @CrimethInc for updates.
Since Bolsonaro lost the election, far-Right figures like Steve Bannon, a former investment banker at Goldman Sachs and head of the pro-Trump white Breitbart, has pushed election denial conspiracies while building ties between far-Right movements in Brazil and the US.
Jair son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, is also a part of Steve Bannon's group, "The Movement," which has linked together neo-fascist, white nationalist, and far-Right political parties across the US, Europe, and Latin America. Eduardo has also helped bring the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference to Brazil, further linking fascist leaning elements in the GOP with those from the Bolsonaro camp.
In November, the Washington Post reported that Eduardo Bolsonaro met with Trump at Mar-a-lago as well as with Bannon and "former Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller, now CEO of the social media company Gettr."
Bannon has pushed Bolsonaro not to concede to losing the election and is clearly helping to craft a strategy that seeks to seize state power by force - just like on January 6th in the US.
Like the fascists, our movements need to be global in opposition and just like in the US, we can't put our hopes on the neoliberals to contain and stop the spread of authoritarianism.
Fire for Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath in Hamburg, Germany
#AnarchistAction #AlfredoCospito #Hamburg
Via @Nae_Midion
Although cis people pretend it's an open, democratic discussion of current events, "the transgender debate" is actually cis people discussing with themselves where they will draw the line between permitting trans people to exist and putting us into prisons and killing us.
The transgender debate is the oppressor's discourse regarding what level of genocide is acceptable to them.
✨ Introducing InboxFilter
A new approach to fediverse safety. Exclusive to Pixelfed.
⚡ Curate unknown instances before processing activities
⚡ Inspect unknown instance reputation w/ our community db
⚡ Reject activities from bad actors automatically, or manually
InboxFilter will be optional, and allows you to set trusted instances, and use community consensus to determine if activities should require human/admin approval.
Shipping soon! #pixelfed #inboxFilter #safety
I like qubes, lineagos, pinephone, , manjaro, debian, mobian, rust (game, but fuck that gerry guy, and all ceos actually), ark: survival evolved, waiting for my librem5 unicorn (mythical creature)... omg it arrived! welding, auto mechanics, dresses, shoes, apc-s lenses, short film, harm reduction, acab, land back, blm, rebel spell...