@ekg God destroys the military headquarters of a vast totalitarian empire. the tabloid press: "God hates it when everyone speaks the same language"
@mrsbeanbag I like the description of the Bible as an tabloid, I think that is an fair assessment of the amount of trust to place in its words.
@mrsbeanbag I want to point out that NATO have expanded faster then the newly dubbed The Big Zipper, forcing newer members, including Sweden, to send their delegation to nearby buildings instead. Housing military command is a true challenge, requiring some of the most impressive infrastructure we humans build.
@taatm in response to sanctions ruZZia has resorted to quantitative easing to overcome short term volatility. That was a headline from last year. Just yesterday ruZZian central bank pegged the prime interest rate at 20%.
This is needle past the red, slapping the peg levels of inflation. There is no business forecast that matters looking 3-4 quarters ahead of now. It's *been* unsustainable, which is why there are daily limits on banking cash withdrawals.
Putlers been driving this economy on the same oil for almost three years now and it's turned to tar on the crankshaft.
I feel like some people don’t fully appreciate the gravity of a situation where WaHo preemptively closes stores.
In difference to the author of the video above, I do believe not only our airways, but the whole of society should be a public good. The idea that we should refer some parts of society to greed and private profit only makes sense as a means to an end, witch naturally lead to the question "to what end?" and who should have the authority to answer that question.
I am currently watching "Media Literacy Can't Save Us"
Vote for whomever will cause the least amount of harm up and down the ballot. Your choices are poor, I sympathize.
@vozercozer accessibility settings is inherently stupid, it denormalise certain needs/usage.
hiding settings that people that are having trouble using your device needs, to make it functional is also stupid.
Reviewers are being "meh" on Zen 5, but if you are a perf/SIMD junky this article does a great job discussing why Zen 5 is good and its going to take time for the perf benefits to show up in software. http://numberworld.org/blogs/2024_8_7_zen5_avx512_teardown/
@gsuberland and subtitle everything, I hate when they don't subtitle the English in Korean drama. No I don't use subtitles because I don't understand Korean, I use them because I can't hear what the actors are saying.
once again pissed off at censoring / sanitising language in subtitles. it's infantilising. I use subtitles all the time because of tinnitus and auditory processing issues, and I'll be damned if I want a bunch of handwringing prudish cunts fucking about with the language. censor ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in accessibility tools. I promise we're grown up enough to handle some swears and sex words, for shit's sake.
@impactology a lot of people are terrified to be dependent on others and does everything they can to push people away, the thought of failure is terrifying. The last thing they want is to be embarrassed, that's a reminder that they are dependent on others.
Everything that you know about design and designing, every every method, principle, thumb rule, procedure, pattern, process, concept, technique that got codified into what you think of best practices was socially constructed. It was conceived and imagined by folks trying to experiment.
Don't mistake thinking that a certain way of designing is set in stone.
Aspiring Author.
Wealth is a legal fiction.
Believer in absolute human rights.